Managing Alarm Metadata

Alarm metadata consists of alarm groups, alarm severities, and alarm types.


Before starting, make sure the current account has been assigned the menu group containing Alarm Metadata. If not assigned, contact the application administrator.

Managing Alarm Groups

Alarm group can be used to classify alarm severities and alarm types. You can check the existing groups in the list on the Alarm Group tab.

Creating Alarm Groups

  1. Select Alarm Metadata from the left navigation pane, and select the Alarm Group tab.
  2. Select New Group, and enter the identifier, name, and description for the alarm group in the pop-up window.
  3. Select Save.

Editing Alarm Groups

  1. Select Alarm Metadata from the left navigation pane, and select the Alarm Group tab.
  2. Select the Edit button of the target group in the alarm group list, and edit the name or description of the group in the pop-up window.
  3. Select Save.

Deleting Alarm Groups

  1. Select Alarm Metadata from the left navigation pane, and select the Alarm Group tab.
  2. Select the Delete button of the target group in the alarm group list.
  3. Select OK in the pop-up window.

Managing Alarm Severities

Alarm severity can be used to define how prior and severe an alarm should be, and the color on the notification of the triggered alarm. For example, you can create alarm severities as fault, warning, and note, and set the color as red, yellow, and blue accordingly.

Creating Alarm Severities

  1. Select Alarm Metadata from the left navigation pane, and select the Alarm Severity tab.
  2. (Optional) Select New Severity Group, select the corresponding alarm group and select Save to create a severity group. Severity group is the alarm group containing alarm severities, used for the classification of alarm severities.
  3. Select the plus sign icon (+) of the target severity group, and select New Severity.
  4. Enter the identifier, name, and description of the severity, and select the severity level (the color displayed on a corresponding alarm record) in the pop-up window.
  5. Select Save.

Editing Alarm Severities

  1. Select Alarm Metadata from the left navigation pane, and select the Alarm Severity tab.
  2. Select the plus sign icon (+) of the target severity group to view the severities in the group.
  3. Select the Edit button of the target severity, and edit name, level, and description in the pop-up window.
  4. Select Save.

Deleting Alarm Severities

  1. Select Alarm Metadata from the left navigation pane, and select the Alarm Severity tab.
  2. Select the plus sign icon (+) of the target severity group to view the severities in the group.
  3. Select the Delete button of the target severity, and select OK in the pop-up window.
  4. (Optional) If you need to delete a severity group, select the Delete icon of a group, and select OK in the pop-up window.

Managing ALarm Types

Alarm type can be used to indicate why an alarm is triggered. For example, you can create types such as device, operation, and connection.

Creating Alarm Types

  1. Select Alarm Metadata from the left navigation pane, and select the Alarm Type tab.
  2. (Optional) Select New Type Group, select the corresponding alarm group and select Save to create a type group. Type group is the alarm group containing alarm types, used for the classification of alarm types.
  3. Select the plus sign icon (+) of the target type group, and select New Type.
  4. Enter the identifier, name, and description in the pop-up window.
  5. Select Save.

Editing Alarm Types

  1. Select Alarm Metadata from the left navigation pane, and select the Alarm Type tab.
  2. Select the plus sign icon (+) of the target type group to view the types in the group.
  3. Select the Edit button of the target type, and edit name and description in the pop-up window.
  4. Select Save.

Deleting Alarm Types

  1. Select Alarm Metadata from the left navigation pane, and select the Alarm Type tab.
  2. Select the plus sign icon (+) of the target type group to view the types in the group.
  3. Select the Delete button of the target type, and select OK in the pop-up window.
  4. (Optional) If you need to delete a type group, select the Delete icon of a group, and select OK in the pop-up window.