About EnOS Alert Engine APIs

Through the alert management, you can define the alert content, type, severity level, and trigger conditions for the assets in the organization, and receive asset alert reporting and processing to achieve real-time status monitoring and fault analysis of the assets. For details on alert management, see Alert Engine Overview.

The APIs in the alert management are some of the APIs EnOS provides that cover the core business processes of the system. For more information on EnOS APIs and the different APIs that EnOS provides, see About EnOS API.

For more information on how to invoke EnOS APIs, see Get Started with EnOS API.

Refer to the table below for the list of Alert Service APIs, and whether they can be used by EnOS Cloud and EnOS Edge.

Alert Severity

Operation Name



EnOS Cloud

EnOS Edge

Create Alert Severity

Create a new alert severity



Delete Alert Severity

Delete an alert severity



Search Alert Severity

Search for alert severity based on the search criteria


Update Alert Severity

Update an alert severity



Alert Type

Operation Name



EnOS Cloud

EnOS Edge

Create Alert Type

Create a new alert type



Delete Alert Type

Delete an alert type



Search Alert Type

Search for alert types based on the search criteria


Update Alert Type

Update an alert type



Alert Content

Operation Name



EnOS Cloud

EnOS Edge

Create Alert Content

Create a new alert content



Delete Alert Content

Delete an alert content



Get Alert Content

Get an alert content based on orgId and contentId


Search Alert Content

Search for alert content based on the search criteria


Update Alert Content

Update an alert content



Alert Rule

Operation Name



EnOS Cloud

EnOS Edge

Create Alert Rule

Create an alert rule



Delete Alert Rule

Delete an alert rule



Search Alert Rule

Search for alert rules based on the search criteria


Update Alert Rule

Update an alert rule



Alert Records

The APIs here can be used for both the old and new alert versions in the EnOS Application Portal > Developer Console.

History & Active Alert Records

Operation Name



EnOS Cloud

EnOS Edge

Create Alert

Create an alert


Batch Create Alert

Batch create alerts


Search Alerts

Query active and historical alerts, where the pages of the returned results do not have to be in order


Scroll Alerts

Query active and historical alerts


Close Alert

Closes the active alert and stores as a history alert


Alert Tags

Operation Name



EnOS Cloud

EnOS Edge

Update Alert Tags

Update history and active alert tags


Batch Update Alert Tags

Batch update the tags for the specified history and active alerts


API Editions

The following table lists the API services included in Alert Engine Enterprise and Lightweight editions.




Alert Severity

Alert Type

Alert Content

Alert Rule

Alert Records

Common Error Codes





Wrong arguments

Passed in incorrect parameters



Data duplication


Business restriction

Business restrictions


Internal error

Internal service exception