Alert Record Storage Configuration¶
After alerts records are generated, they will be kept in storage for a limited period. The Alert Record Storage Configuration enables users to view the current alert record storage configuration, configure the storage period for the alert records based on the time when it is first generated, and view the logs of the configuration changes.
The default period is 6 months, and the configurable range is between 1 to 99 months.
Ensure that you have OU admin permissions.
Viewing Current Configuration and Audit Logs¶
Click Alert Engine > Alert Record Storage Configuration from the left navigation menu of the EnOS Application Portal > Developer Console.
You will see the current alert record storage configuration as well as the audit log details such as the user who changed the configuration, the description of the change, as well as the time the change was made.
Configuring Storage Period¶
Click Alert Engine > Alert Record Storage Configuration from the left navigation menu of the EnOS Application Portal > Developer Console.
Under Configuration Information, click the Edit icon for Max Alert Record Storage Period.
In the pop-up window, enter the new period (in months) for the alert record storage. The range is between 1-99.
The change will come into effect immediate after clicking OK. Alert records that are older than the new period will be deleted immediately and cannot be recovered, i.e. if the current storage period is 6 months, and the new storage period is 3 months, alert records that are 4 months old will be deleted. Even if the storage period is changed back to 6 months, the 4-month-old alert records can no longer be retrieved and will not be shown again.
Click OK to finish configuring.
The change will be reflected under Audit Logs.