New APIs

In EnOS 2.4.4, we added Application Registration Service and added some new APIs for IAM Service.

Application Registration Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Create App Create an application for this OU. ×
Delete App Delete an application for this OU. ×
List Apps List the applications for this OU. ×
Retrieve Purchased Apps Query the obtained applications using the application keyword or access key. ×
Update App Update the application for this OU. ×
Update Purchased App Approve or disapprove the request and authorize or deauthorize the menus and permissions for an application. ×
List Category List the application categories for this OU. ×
Create Permission Create a permission for an application. ×
Delete Permission Delete a menu for an application. ×
List Permissions List the permissions for an application. ×
Update Permission Update a permission for an application. ×
Create Menu Create a menu for an application. ×
Delete Menu Delete a menu for an application. ×
List Menu List the menus for an application. ×
Update Menu Update a menu for an application. ×

IAM Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Delete User Delete an internal user, LDAP user, or SSO user in the OU. ×
List Users List the information of internal users, LDAP users, and SSO users of the OU, including the users’ recent login times. ×
Enable User Enable an internal user in the OU. ×
Disable User Disable an internal user in the OU. ×