Updating APIs

APIs will be in the Saved stage after they are updated. They would therefore need to be released and made public after the update in order to make them available within the OU and to third-parties.

Task Description

This task shows the steps on how to update an API in EnOS Application Portal > Developer Console > API Management.

Before You Start

Ensure you have an EnOS account and have the permissions to access the API management service. See API Authentication.


  1. Select API Management > My APIs, and click the API group where the API to be deployed is located.

  2. To update the API, click btn_view for the API you wish to update in the API List to go to its Basic Information page.


  3. Click btn_edit to update the API information and click btn_tick when you finish to save the update.

  4. Return to the API Group Overview page.

    • For saved APIs, the Status will remain the same.

    • For released APIs, the Status will be changed from Released to Modified. You need to release it again in order to synchronize the update with the running environment.


  5. To release the API, click the Release icon btn_make_offline. Enter a description for the release and click OK.

  6. The Status is now changed to Released.


The updated API is now synced.

Next Step

You can delete APIs that are no longer needed. For details, see Deleting APIs.