Managing Resources

This article introduces how sub-administrators assign resource permissions in the Admin Console of Application Portal.


The management tasks that sub-administrators can perform are subject to the authorization from OU administrators. For more information, contact your OU administrator.


Before you start, make sure that:

  • You have permission to manage resources. For more information about the permission to manage resources, contact your OU administrator.

  • You have the management permissions on the organization structures or user groups of the target resources.

Synchronizing Assets

  1. Select Synchronize Assets from the left navigation pane in the Admin Console.

  2. Select the Synchronize Assets button to synchronize the assets with the specified tags from EnOS Application Portal. Currently, the tags of different asset types in Application Portal are shown as below.


    Asset Type


    Physical Asset


    Business Asset

Viewing Resource Details

OU administrators can view the details of synchronized or registered resources of the current OU.

Viewing Synchronized Assets

  1. Select Synchronize Assets from the left navigation pane in the Admin Console.

  2. View the details of the synchronized assets in the asset list on the page.

  3. You can hover over the i_id icon of an asset to view the asset ID. You can perform multiple tasks with asset IDs, such as specifying an asset when calling Application Portal APIs.

Viewing Registered Resources

  1. Select Resource List from the left navigation pane in the Admin Console.

  2. View the details of the registered resources in the resource list on the page.

  3. You can hover over the i_id icon of a resource to view the resource ID. You can perform multiple tasks with resource IDs, such as specifying a resource when calling Application Portal APIs.

Assigning Resource Permissions

OU users need the resource permissions to view resource information in related applications. Assign resource permissions to OU users by the following ways:

Assigning Resource Permissions by User or User Group

Assign resource permissions to users or user groups by the following steps:

  1. Select Resource Permission from the left navigation pane in the Admin Console.

  2. Select the target user or user group, and select Add Resource on the right.

  3. In the Available Resource section, select one ore more resources.

  4. Select Submit.

You can remove an assigned resource permission by the following ways:

  • Select Remove icon_remove in the assigned resource list of the target users or user groups.

  • Select Batch Remove in the Add Resource pop-up window, select the target resources then select Remove.

Assigning Resource Permissions by Resource


You can only assign the permissions of resources registered through the Application Portal API.

Assign the permission of a specified resource to users or user groups by the following steps:

  1. Select Resource List from the left navigation pane in the Admin Console.

  2. Select Authorize to User i_touser or Authorize to User Group i_tousergroup of the target resource.

  3. In the Authorize to User or Authorize to User Group pop-up window, select Add User or Add User Group.

  4. Select the users or user groups to assign the resource permission to in the pop-up window.

  5. Select Submit.

You can remove an assigned resource permission by the following ways:

  • Select Remove icon_remove in the assigned user or user group list.

  • Select Batch Remove in the Authorize to User or Authorize to User Group pop-up window, select the target users or user groups then select Remove.