Business Process Management Service Overview

The EnOS Business Process Management service enables developers to query and operate the processes and tasks.

For more information about EnOS Business Process Management, see About Business Process Management.
For more information on EnOS APIs and the different APIs that EnOS provides, see About EnOS API.
For more information on how to invoke EnOS APIs, see Get Started with EnOS API.

Java SDK

To use enos-bpm-sdk in your project, you’ll need to add the following dependencies to the pom.xml file. You may need to change the version number accordingly.




Operation Name Description
Get Process Instance Get the details of a process instance.
Query Process Instance Query the list of process instances.
Start Process Instance Start a new process instance.
Terminate Process Instance Terminate a process instance.


Operation Name Description
Get Task Get the details of a task.
Query Task Query the list of tasks.
Claim Task Claim a task.
Complete Task Submit a task form to complete the task.