Query Task

Query the list of tasks.

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/enos-bpm-service/v2.0/work/tasks/query

Request Parameters (Header)

Name Location Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
Authorization Header Mandatory String The access token, which is represented by the bearer token. It can be obtained by invoking the Log In or Refresh Access Token API.

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
pagination Optional Pagination Struct The pagination request.
processInstanceId Optional String The process instance ID.
processName Optional String The process name.
taskStatus Mandatory String The task status (inProgress, completed, unclaimed).
taskName Optional String The task name.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data Data Struct The details of the task.

Data Struct

Name Data Type Description
pagination Pagination Struct The pagination request.
taskRepresentations TaskRepresentation Struct Array The task array.

Pagination Struct

Name Data Type Description
current Integer The number of pages requested.
pageSize Integer The number of records on each page.
total Long The total number of records. If the total number of tasks is less than the number of requested records per page (50 by default) and the first page is displayed currently, the system will not return the total number of records.
sorts Sorter Struct Array The record sorting order.
start Integer The serial number of the first record.

Sorter Struct

Name Data Type Description
field String The sorting field.
order String The sort order (asc, desc).

TaskRepresentation Struct

Name Data Type Description
id String The task ID.
name String The task name.
description String The task description.
category String The task type.
assignee UserRepresentation Struct Information about the current task assignee.
created Timestamp The task creation time.
dueDate Timestamp The task due time.
endDate Timestamp The task end time.
duration Long The task duration.
priority Integer The task priority for task ordering.
processInstanceId String The process instance ID.
processInstanceName String The process instance name.
processDefinitionId String The process definition ID.
processDefinitionName String The process definition name.
processDefinitionDescription String The process definition description.
processDefinitionKey String The process definition key.
processDefinitionCategory String The process definition type.
processDefinitionVersion Integer The process definition version number.
processDefinitionDeploymentId String The deployment resource ID corresponding to the process definition.
scopeId String The scope ID.
scopeType String The scope type.
caseInstanceName String The CMMN instance name.
scopeDefinitionId String The scope definition ID.
caseDefinitionName String The CMMN definition name.
caseDefinitionDescription String The CMMN definition description.
caseDefinitionKey String The CMMN definition key.
caseDefinitionCategory String The CMMN definition type.
caseDefinitionVersion String The CMMN definition version number.
caseDefinitionDeploymentId String The deployment resource ID corresponding to the CMMN definition.
parentTaskId String The parent task ID (previous task).
parentTaskName String The parent task name.
formKey String The task form key.
processInstanceStartUserId String The user ID of the process instance starter.
candidateUsers UserRepresentation Struct Array Information about the candidate users for the task.
candidateGroups String array The candidate user group names for the task.
canClaim Boolean Whether the current user can claim this task.
canOperate Boolean Whether the current user can execute this task.
taskName String The name of current task.
createdTime Timestamp The task creation time.
completedTime Timestamp The task completion time.
taskStatus String The task status (inProgress, completed, unclaimed).
processName String The process name.

UserRepresentation Struct

Name Data Type Description
id String The user ID.
firstName String The user’s first name.
lastName String The user’s last name.
email String The user’s email.
fullName String The user’s full name.
tenantId String The organization ID.
groups UserRepresentation Struct Array The user group.
privileges String array The user permissions.

GroupRepresentation Struct

Name Data Type Description
id String The user group ID.
name String The user group name.
type String The user group type.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/enos-bpm-service/v2.0/work/tasks/query

method: POST

headers: {"Authorization":"Bearer {your_access_token}"}

  "pagination": {
    "current": 0,
    "pageSize": 2
  "taskStatus": "inProgress"

Return Sample

  "code": 0,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "pagination": {
      "current": 0,
      "pageSize": 2,
      "total": 21,
      "sorts": [],
      "start": 0
    "taskRepresentations": [
        "id": "4baecb74-e5d6-11ea-ba2a-62873ba48f97",
        "name": "固件上传审批",
        "description": null,
        "category": null,
        "assignee": {
          "id": "u15916978791551",
          "firstName": null,
          "lastName": null,
          "email": "john.smith@envision-digital.com",
          "fullName": "john.smith",
          "tenantId": "o15874765326651",
          "groups": [],
          "privileges": []
        "created": 1598251914373,
        "dueDate": null,
        "endDate": null,
        "duration": null,
        "priority": 50,
        "processInstanceId": "4baea45a-e5d6-11ea-ba2a-62873ba48f97",
        "processInstanceName": "string",
        "processDefinitionId": "139d9ea3-d21e-11ea-9d02-b6917a6e9040",
        "processDefinitionName": "0730上传tag",
        "processDefinitionDescription": null,
        "processDefinitionKey": "a1411e0f9d21a11ea9d02b6917a6e9040",
        "processDefinitionCategory": "http://flowable.org/test",
        "processDefinitionVersion": 2,
        "processDefinitionDeploymentId": "12a29cd0-d21e-11ea-9d02-b6917a6e9040",
        "scopeId": null,
        "scopeType": null,
        "caseInstanceName": null,
        "scopeDefinitionId": null,
        "caseDefinitionName": null,
        "caseDefinitionDescription": null,
        "caseDefinitionKey": null,
        "caseDefinitionCategory": null,
        "caseDefinitionVersion": 0,
        "caseDefinitionDeploymentId": null,
        "parentTaskId": null,
        "parentTaskName": null,
        "formKey": "approvalopinion20200730",
        "processInstanceStartUserId": null,
        "candidateUsers": null,
        "candidateGroups": null,
        "canClaim": false,
        "canOperate": true,
        "taskName": "固件上传审批",
        "createdTime": 1598251914373,
        "processName": "0730上传tag",
        "taskStatus": "inProgress",
        "completedTime": null
        "id": "f7cea05e-e5d5-11ea-a7d0-2e79fed17589",
        "name": "固件上传审批",
        "description": null,
        "category": null,
        "assignee": {
          "id": "u15916978791551",
          "firstName": null,
          "lastName": null,
          "email": "john.smith@envision-digital.com",
          "fullName": "john.smith",
          "tenantId": "o15874765326651",
          "groups": [],
          "privileges": []
        "created": 1598251773653,
        "dueDate": null,
        "endDate": null,
        "duration": null,
        "priority": 50,
        "processInstanceId": "f7ce7944-e5d5-11ea-a7d0-2e79fed17589",
        "processInstanceName": "string",
        "processDefinitionId": "139d9ea3-d21e-11ea-9d02-b6917a6e9040",
        "processDefinitionName": "0730上传tag",
        "processDefinitionDescription": null,
        "processDefinitionKey": "a1411e0f9d21a11ea9d02b6917a6e9040",
        "processDefinitionCategory": "http://flowable.org/test",
        "processDefinitionVersion": 2,
        "processDefinitionDeploymentId": "12a29cd0-d21e-11ea-9d02-b6917a6e9040",
        "scopeId": null,
        "scopeType": null,
        "caseInstanceName": null,
        "scopeDefinitionId": null,
        "caseDefinitionName": null,
        "caseDefinitionDescription": null,
        "caseDefinitionKey": null,
        "caseDefinitionCategory": null,
        "caseDefinitionVersion": 0,
        "caseDefinitionDeploymentId": null,
        "parentTaskId": null,
        "parentTaskName": null,
        "formKey": "approvalopinion20200730",
        "processInstanceStartUserId": null,
        "candidateUsers": null,
        "candidateGroups": null,
        "canClaim": false,
        "canOperate": true,
        "taskName": "固件上传审批",
        "createdTime": 1598251773653,
        "processName": "0730上传tag",
        "taskStatus": "inProgress",
        "completedTime": null

Java SDK Sample

public class BpmSdkTest{
    public void queryTaskTest() {
        String bearerToken = "your_bearer_token";
        TaskCriteria criteria = new TaskCriteria();
        TaskQueryRequest request = new TaskQueryRequest(criteria, bearerToken);
        TaskQueryReponse response = Poseidon.config(PConfig.init().appKey("your_access_key")
                                            .getResponse(request, TaskQueryReponse.class);
        assertNotNull("response cannot be null", response);
