Query Accessible Asset

Get a list of accessible assets by object type IDs.

Request Format

GET https://{api-gateway}/cds-asset-service/v1.0/accessible-asset?action=query

Request Parameters

Name Location Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get orgId >>
accessKey Query Optional String The access key of the application. How to get accessKey>>
mdmTypes Query Mandatory String The object type ID which the asset belongs to. Separate multiple IDs by commas. Up to 100 object type IDs are allowed in a single query. How to get mdmTypes>>
attributes Query Optional String The attribute of the asset. Separate multiple attributes by commas. Both model attributes and “virtual attributes” defined in Common Data Service are supported. How to get attributes>>
pageNo Query Optional Integer The number of page to be returned.
pageSize Query Optional Integer The number of the returned records on a single page. The maximum number is 20000.
locale Query Optional String Use zh-CN, en-US, ja-JP, or es-ES. If not specified, the value is set to en_US by default.
withI18n Query Optional Boolean Whether to return the internationalization content.

Response Content Type

application/json; charset = UTF-8


Request Sample

GET https://{api-gateway}/cds-asset-service/v1.0/accessible-asset?action=query&orgId=yourOrgId&mdmTypes=yourMdmType

Response Sample

    "data": [
            "mdmId": "site 1",
            "attributes": {
                "mdmId": "yourMdmId",
                "mdmType": "EnOS_Solar_Site",
                "name": "*************"
            "mdmId": "site 2",
            "attributes": {
                "mdmId": "yourMdmId",
                "mdmType": "EnOS_Solar_Site",
                "name": "*************"
   "code": 0,
   "msg": "OK",
   "traceId": "1234567890abcdefghijkl0987654321"