Query Latest Measurement Point

Get the latest readings of measurement points by point IDs.

Request Format

GET/POST https://{api-gateway}/cds-realtime-service/v1.0/measurement-point/latest?action=query

Request Parameters

Name Location Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID which the measurement point belongs to. How to get orgId >>
mdmIds Query/Form Mandatory String The object instance ID which the measurement point belongs to. Separate multiple IDs by commas. Up to 20000 object instances are allowed in a single query. To ensure query performance, it is recommended that you pass in no more than 100 object instances in a single query.
pointIds Query/Form Mandatory String The measurement point ID. Separate multiple IDs by commas. Up to 100 points are allowed in a single query. How to get pointId>>

Response Content Type

application/json; charset = UTF-8


Request Sample

GET https://{api-gateway}/cds-realtime-service/v1.0/measurement-point/latest?action=query&orgId=yourOrgId&mdmIds=yourMdmId&pointIds=yourPointId

Response Sample

    "data": {
        "yourMdmId": {
            "points": {
                "SITE.a": {
                    "value": 0,
                    "timestamp": 1572430440009,
                    "attributes": {}
                "SITE.b": {
                    "value": 29,
                    "timestamp": 1572430440009,
                    "attributes": {}
                "SITE.c": {
                    "value": 282720,
                    "timestamp": 1572430440009,
                    "attributes": {}
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "traceId": "1234567890abcdefghijkl0987654321"