Unit 1: Creating a Master Data Type

Step 1: Creating a Station Master Data Type

  1. In the left navigation bar of the Data Catalog, click Object Type.

  2. Click New Object Type > New Master Data Object Type.

  3. On the New Object Type page, enter or select the following information:

    • Type ID: enter site
    • Description: enter mock site for tutorial
    • Attributes:
      • Click Add Attribute
        • Name: enter siteId
        • Type: select string
        • Indexed?: tick True
        • Required?: tick True
        • Primary Key Definition: select siteId
  4. Click OK to create the station master data type.

Step 2: Creating a Wind Turbine Master Data Type

  1. In the left navigation bar of the Data Catalog, click Object Type.
  2. Click New Object Type> New Master Data Object Type.
  3. On the New Object Type page, enter or select the following information:
    • Type ID: enter EAM_Turbine
    • Description: enter mock turbine for tutorial
    • Attribute Definition:
      • Click Add Attribute to add multiple attributes in sequence according to the following table:
Name Type Indexed Required
turbineid string true true
turbineHeight double Optional Optional
latitude double Optional Optional
altitude double Optional Optional
  • Primary Key Definition: select name, turbineid

  • Check Rules:

    • Click Add Check Rule, then enter or select the following information:
      • Field: select turbineHeight
      • Rule Type: select THRESHOLD CHECK
      • Rule Parameter: enter [90,140]
  1. Click OK to create the wind turbine master data type.

Step 3: Creating a Wind Turbine Monitoring Application Type

  1. In the left navigation bar of the Data Catalog, click Object Type.

  2. Click New Object Type> New Master Data Object Type.

  3. On the New Object Type page, enter or select the following information:

    • Type ID: enter APP
    • Description: enter mock app for tutorial
    • Attribute Definition:
      • Click Add Attribute
        • Name: enter appVersion
        • Type: select string
        • Indexable: tick True
        • Required: tick True
        • Primary Key Definition: select name, appVersion
  4. Click OK to submit and complete creation of the wind turbine monitoring application type.

After the master data type is created, in the type list on the Object Type function homepage, click view_object_icon View at the end of a specific object type row to view and edit its basic information.
