Getting Started with Alert Management

This section describes a typical flow to configure and manage alert severity levels, alert types, alert content, and alert rules for your assets in EnOS cloud.

Step 1. Configure alert severity levels

To categorize alerts by severity levels so that you can properly handle the alerts, define alert severity levels for your organization.

For more information, see Creating Alert Severity Levels.

Step 2. Configure alert types

Categorize alerts by types to distinguish the status of assets and possible causes of alerts, so that you can better monitor the status of your assets.

For more information, see Creating Alert Types.

Step 3. Configure alert content

To define the content for an alert, you need to provide the alert ID, description, alert type and subtype, and the causes and solutions for the alert.

For more information, see Creating Alert Content.

Step 4. Configure alert rules

Configure alert rules to define the triggering condition and scope for an alert. For more information, see Creating Alert Rules.