Developing OTA Capabilities on Devices

The OTA capability largely depends on the physical configuration and function of the device. EnOS provides a device SDK that includes OTA capabilities for hardware developers, which supports the following capabilities.

  • Reporting the firmware version: The device reports its version when it gets connected to EnOS. EnOS stores the device’s version number.
  • Receiving the upgrade request pushed by EnOS: The device receives the OTA upgrade request pushed by EnOS and downloads the firmware file.
  • Sending upgrade requests: The device can send upgrade requests to EnOS and check whether there are any new versions available.
  • Reporting upgrade progress and the causes of upgrade failure: The device can report its upgrade progress or the causes of upgrade failure during its upgrade process to EnOS for upgrade management.


The upgrade depends on whether the flash on the device has enough physical space. EnOS only provides message channels and file download services for OTA upgrade, and SDKs for developers to call. The developers will need to ensure the device switches over to the new firmware to boot up after the upgrading process is finished.

Installing Device SDK

The upgrade request supports both MQTT-based message transmission and subscription and HTTP/HTTPS for message push and acquisition. For the respective steps and sample code, refer to the below.

Firmware Upgrade Protocol

EnOS provides the following message topics/endpoints for firmware upgrade.

Reporting the Firmware Version

The device can send its current firmware version to EnOS for you to create an upgrade job for the device. The device reports its current firmware version after it connects to EnOS through this topic/endpoint.

Upstream Topic/Message

  • Request: /sys/${productkey}/${devicekey}/ota/device/inform
  • Response: /sys/${productkey}/${devicekey}/ota/device/inform_reply

Request data format:

    "params": {

Response data format:

    "id": "123",
    "code": 200,
    "data": {}
Parameter Description
Parameters Type Mandatory/Optional Description
id String Optional The message ID. It is a reserved parameter that is reserved for future use.
version String Mandatory The version of the protocol. The current version is 1.0.
method String Mandatory The request method, which is “ota.device.inform”.
params Object Mandatory The parameters used for reporting the version number.
version String Mandatory The reported version number.
code Integer Mandatory The return code. “200” indicates that the requested operation is executed successfully.

Receiving Upgrade Request From EnOS

After the firmware upgrade job is created in the console, qualified online devices will receive the firmware information pushed from EnOS, including the firmware name, version, MD5, and download URL. Offline devices will receive the upgrade request when they are online.

Downstream Topic (MQTT):

  • Request: /sys/${productkey}/${devicekey}/ota/device/upgrade
  • Response: /sys/${productkey}/${devicekey}/ota/device/upgrade_reply

Downstream Message (HTTP):

When there is an OTA command in the cloud, the command is included in the cloud device login or measurement point upload response.

  • Request command-payload: /ota/device/upgrade

Request data format:

    "params": {

Response data format (MQTT):

    "id": "123",
    "code": 200,
    "data": {}
Parameter Description
Parameters Type Mandatory/Optional Description
id String Optional The message ID. It is a reserved parameter that is reserved for future use.
version String Mandatory The version of the protocol. The current version is 1.0.
method String Mandatory The request method, which is “ota.device.getversion”.
params Struct Optional The parameters of the firmware details.
version String Mandatory The firmware version.
sign String Mandatory The firmware signature.
signMethod String Mandatory The firmware signature algorithm.
fileUrl String Mandatory The firmware file url.
fileSize Long Mandatory The firmware file size in bytes.
code Integer Mandatory The return code. “200” indicates that the requested operation is executed successfully.
data Struct Optional The detailed returned information in JSON format.

Reporting Upgrade Progress

After the device starts to download the firmware, it reports its upgrade progress or causes of the upgrade failure through this topic/message. You can view the upgrade progress in the console.

Upstream Topic/Message:

  • Request: /sys/${productkey}/${devicekey}/ota/device/progress
  • Response: /sys/${productkey}/${devicekey}/ota/device/progress_reply

Request data format:

    "params": {

Response data format:

    "id": "123",
    "code": 200,
    "data": {}
Parameter Description
Parameters Type Mandatory/Optional Description
id String Optional The message ID. It is a reserved parameter that is reserved for future use.
version String Mandatory The version of the protocol. The current version is 1.0.
method String Mandatory The request method, which is “ota.device.process”.
params Struct Mandatory The parameters of the upgrade progress.
step String Mandatory

The upgrade progress. Its normal range is [0, 100], where:

-1 indicates failure -2 indicates download failure -3 indicates verification failure -4 indicates burning failure -5 indicates the device ignoring this firmware.
desc String Optional The description of the current step, which may contain error information when exceptions occur.
code Integer Mandatory The return code. “200” indicates that the requested operation is executed successfully.

Return Code Error Message Explanation
764 Device job not found The OTA job of this device is not found.
765 Device job not start The device has not started OTA upgrade yet.

Requesting Upgrade

Devices can request for an upgrade to obtain the upgradeable version information. EnOS creates the OTA upgrade policy as “Upon device request”. The device sends the upgrade request and receives the available versions returned from EnOS. If there are multiple versions available in the cloud, a list of the upgradeable versions will be returned and the device or its owner may select a suitable one from the list to upgrade.

Upstream Topic/Message:

  • Request: /sys/${productkey}/${devicekey}/ota/device/getversion
  • Response: /sys/${productkey}/${devicekey}/ota/device/getversion_reply

Request data format

    "params": {

Response data format:

    "data": [
Parameter Description
Parameters Type Mandatory/Optional Description
id String Optional The message ID. It is a reserved parameter that is reserved for future use.
version String Mandatory The version of the protocol. The current version is 1.0.
method String Mandatory The request method, which is “ota.device.getversion”.
params Struct Optional None
code Integer Mandatory The return code. “200” indicates that the requested operation is executed successfully.
data Array Optional The detailed returned information in JSON format. If there are multiple available versions for this device, the information for multiple versions will be returned.
version String Mandatory The firmware version.
sign String Mandatory The firmware signature.
signMethod String Mandatory The firmware signature algorithm.
fileUrl String Mandatory The firmware file URL.
fileSize Long Mandatory The firmware file size in bytes.

Exception Handling

The exceptions that occur during a firmware upgrade is indicated by step and desc when the device reports the firmware upgrade progress. A step less than 0 indicates an exception. desc contains the description of this exception.

Upgrade Exceptions
Step Value Description
-1 Undefined exception.
-2 Download failure.
-3 Verification failure.
-4 Burning failure.

For other customized exceptions, set step less than -4 and desc as the description to that exception.