Upgrading Firmwares¶
You can create a batch upgrade job for a verified firmware, specify the upgrade strategy and methods, then start to push the upgrade requests. This section shows how to batch upgrade firmware.
Upgrade Methods¶
Cloud initiated OTA process: EnOS maintains the list of devices to be upgraded according to the upgrade policy, and pushes the upgrade requests to devices as per the upgrade sequence. If the devices are online, they will receive the upgrade request and start upgrading. If the devices are offline, they will receive the upgrade request after they reconnect to EnOS. This is the default method.
Upon device request: EnOS maintains the list of devices to be upgraded, and judge whether a device falls in the scope of upgrade when the device sends an OTA upgrade request. If yes, an available firmware version will be pushed to the device. The upgrade process will start after the device confirms to upgrade to this version.
Ensure you have completed Verifying Firmware.
Ensure that you have the device firmware version and
information.Ensure that you have obtained the Developer role to have the access to Application Portal > Developer Console. If not, contact your OU administrator.
Ensure that you have read the limitations for firmware. See Limitations.
You can choose one of the following methods to upgrade the firmware according to your project.
Upgrading Based on Firmwares¶
Select OTA Upgrades > Firmware Management.
Click the View button
to go to the firmware details page.
Click on the Upgrade button in the top right corner and choose one of the following options based on your specific needs:
Create New Job: Create an OTA upgrade job and the system automatically fills in the selected firmware information.
Upgrade Device: Select specific devices and configure the upgrade strategy.
Enter the information according to the [Configuration Information][/docs/device-connection/en/3.0.0/howto/ota/batch_upgrading_firmware.html#information].
Click OK to complete the task creation.
Creating an OTA Job¶
Select OTA Upgrades > OTA Jobs.
Click New Job and enter the information based on the UI instructions. For more information, see [Configuration Information][/docs/device-connection/en/3.0.0/howto/ota/batch_upgrading_firmware.html#information].
Click Confirm to complete the task creation.
Once successfully created, the upgrading job will be listed in the list of jobs in the OTA Jobs page. If you toggled Start Upon Creation to on, the upgrading job will start immediately. Otherwise, you can go to the OTA Jobs page to start the job manually.
In OTA Jobs, select View Details to enter the job details page where you can view the details of the upgrade. For more information, see Viewing OTA Job Details.
Next Step¶
You can delete the firmware after an upgrade. See Deleting Firmware.
Configuration Information ¶
The configuration information for an OTA task includes basic information, upgrade scope, and upgrade strategy. You need to enter the corresponding configuration items based on the actual situation.
On the “Basic Information” page, configuration items are as follows:
Job Name: Enter a name for the OTA verification job.
Firmware Name: Select the firmware from the list of names in the drop-down.
Product: The system will automatically enter this field. If there is no product, the field remains empty
Type: The system will automatically enter this field.
Upgrade Method: Select a strategy for the upgrade.
Snapshot: For devices that have reported firmware version and fall into a closed upgrade list. Only the devices on this list will be upgraded. Any devices that meet the upgrade criteria later will not receive new firmware push.
Increment: For devices that have reported firmware version and fall into an open upgrade list. Any devices that meet the upgrade creteria later will be included into the open list. The list of devices to be upgraded changes dynamically.
On the “Upgrade Scope” page, configuration items are as follows:
All Devices: Upgrade all the devices of the selected version.
Target Devices: Upgrade only some of the devices
By Device Group: Upgrade all the devices of the selected version in the selected device group.
By Attribute: Click Add to select attributes.
By Device Tag: Click New tag to add the tag and tag value.
By Asset Tree: Click Add to select devices based on the root nodes of the OU and the parent nodes under the root nodes. If the root nodes or parent nodes themselves are also devices, they will fall into the upgrade scope. If you want to specify the devices of the underlying child nodes, use their deviceKey. A maximum of 5 asset trees can be selected.
On the “Upgrade Strategy” page, configuration items are as follows:
Maximum Task Concurrency: Enter the maximum number of upgrades that can concurrently run. Devices with an “Upgrading” status are excluded in this count, while devices with “To be Pushed” and “Pushed” status are included.
Upgrade Timeout: Enter a timeout period for the job. If the device(s) selected above for updating does not return the verification result (successful or failed) within this time period, the job will fail.
Retry Failed Tasks: Select whether to automatically retry failed tasks.
Retry Interval: Select the interval between retries if Retry Failed Tasks is selected. Available options are: 0 min (immediately), 10 min, 30 min, 1 hour, and 24 hours.
Max Retry Attempts: Enter the maximum number of retries if Retry Failed Tasks is selected. Available options are: 1, 2, and 5.
Schedule: Select a start and end date and time for the upgrade. The upgrade is allowed only within the selected schedule, and no upgrade request will be pushed outside the schedule. If the start date/time is earlier than the current date/time, the upgrade will start immediately.
Repeat Every Day: This selection is disabled by default and is enabled only if the start and end date for Schedule falls on the same day. If selected, the OTA job will run every day according to the timing given in Schedule.
Enable Upon Device Request Upgrade: If this is enabled, and the current number of concurrent OTA upgrade tasks in the system is lesser than the Maximum Task Concurrency, the OTA job will start immediately. Otherwise, the device will be added to the “To be Pushed” list.
Start Upon Creation: If enabled, the job will start immediately when you click Confirm.