Unit 5: Monitoring the Device Performance with Alerts

To monitor the health and performance of your devices, you can define customized alert severities, alert types, alert content, and alert rules for any device anomaly. This tutorial shows how to enable alerts to monitor the temperature of the battery device. Refer to the steps below.

  1. In EnOS Application Portal > Developer Console, click Alert Engine in the left navigation menu.

  2. Click Alert Severities > New Severity to create a “Warning” severity level.


  3. Click Alert Types > New Type to create an “Exceeding_Limit” alert type.


  4. Click Alert Rules > New Rule to create the alert rule for monitoring the battery temperature. For example, when the value of the temperature measurement point exceeds 100 degrees, the alert will be triggered.


When the alert rule is created, it will start to monitor the temperature of the battery device. You can view the real-time and historical alerts of the device on the Alert Records page.

You can also use the event service APIs to query the alert records. For example, you can use the Search Active Alerts API to search for active alerts using the organization ID and other filtering conditions. For more information about EnOS API, go to EnOS Application Portal > Developer Console > Help > EnOS APIs.

Next Unit

Monitoring the Device State and Data