MQTT Server

The MQTT Server node establishes an MQTT server that allows multiple clients to publish messages to its configured topic(s).

Node Type


Input and Output Ability

This node does not have an entry point and has 1 exit point.

The input and output can be any format. The topic information is stored in the metadata and can be referred to by ${metadata.topic}.

Node Properties


Node Name


The name for this node.

User Name

The identity that a client uses to connect to the MQTT server. This value is automatically assigned by Device Integration Service and cannot be edited.



The password that is used together with the User Name for connecting to the MQTT server. A random password is automatically generated. If you wish to generate another random password, click the regen icon. You can also define your own password by entering it in the box.


The URL via which a client can connect to the MQTT server. This value is automatically assigned by Device Integration Service and cannot be edited.



The MQTT topic to which a client can publish its messages. You can specify up to 5 topics.



The description for this node.


  • Maximum number of topics: 5
  • Number of connectors supported by 1 CU: 1,000
  • Certificate authentication is required for establishing the HTTP server. For more information, see Certificate-based Authentication.
  • As the MQTT server is not managed by EnOS, connection problems could occur due to server downtime or other instances that are not within our control.


Input Sample

Example of a JSON object as input:


Output Sample

This node does not modify the input but stores the input under the specified topic. Therefore, the output is the same as the input. Its topic information is stored in the metadata.
