Refresh Token¶
The Refresh Token node enables an integration flow to get the token to be used subsequently in the flow for invoking EnOS APIs through HTTP request.
Node Type¶
Input and Output Ability¶
This node has multiple entry points and 1 exit point. The input message can be any format, and the output message will return the token. If the token is not refreshed, the token returned will be the old token.
Node Properties¶

The name for this node.
Request Method
The method of the HTTP request, either GET or POST.
The URL of the request.
The request timeout duration, default 30,000 milliseconds.
Authentication Method
The method of how a request made by this node is authenticated. Possible values include the following.
Anonymous: Does not need any authentication.
Username/Password: Pass the username/password in the request for authentication.
The parameters attached to the URL of the request in the form of “?key=value”.
The key-value pairs included in the header of the request.
Refresh Time
The time, in seconds, to refresh the token after use. For example, the node will record the time the token is used, and if 100 seconds is entered, refresh the token when it is called after 100 seconds. If not called, there will be no refresh. O seconds will mean that the token is refreshed every time.
Token Output
Customize the token output to store in the metadata for subsequent node use. If checked, enter a key in the subsequent text field. This key, if matched what is in the response body, will be stored in the metadata in the form of key:value. If checked, but cannot be matched, the downstream flow will be stopped.
Use Cookie
Uses cookie for session management.
The description for this node.
Maximum node entry points: 100
Maximum refresh time: 259,200 seconds
Input Sample¶
Example of a JSON object as input:
"assetId": "GmBFCuR8",
"id": "Yvudvpuh6w",
"productKey": "ascbuGDg"
Output Sample¶
"value": "test-12-version",
"headers": {
"host": "",
"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"connection": "Keep-Alive",
"accept-encoding": "gzip,deflate",
"user-agent": "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.10 (Java/1.8.0_181)"
"parameters": {
"name": "adb"