Running Pipelines and Checking Results

After creation, the pipeline will run according to the configured triggering mode. Based on your business needs, you can manually trigger a pipeline and view the status and results of the running pipeline.

Running a Pipeline

You can manually run a pipeline with the following steps.

  1. In the EnOS Management Console, navigate to Enterprise Container Platform and select Development > Pipeline.

  2. In the list of created pipelines, click the name of a pipeline to open its Basic Information page.

  3. Click the Run button, select a code branch, and run the pipeline.


Viewing the Running Results

After the pipeline starts running, its running status and results will be displayed in the Running Result section.

  1. Click on the job name in the pipeline to see the results of each job.


  2. If a pipeline job fails, click the View Log button or download the log to find the cause of failure. After editing the pipeline and jobs, rerun the pipeline.


When the build job runs successfully, the image tag will be generated automatically. The naming convention of the image tag is as follows.

  • master branch: master_{git_project_name} timestamp, repeatable build
  • feature branch: feature_{feature_name} timestamp, repeatable build
  • release branch: {release_name}, non-repeatable build


The feature branch refers to non-release branches (i.e. branches that do not start with “release”).

Creating Image Tag

After the pipeline build job runs successfully, the Project QA or Application QA role can create a tag (for production environment synchronization) for the built image of the application. The tag created for the image will be synchronized to the application’s Git repository. With the created tag, the application image can be synchronized to the production environment.

  1. In the Basic Information section of the pipeline, cluck New Tag.

  2. In the pop-up window, select the built image, and enter the tag name.

  3. Browse the related information of the image and click OK to create the image tag.

Next Step

After running the pipeline, you can edit, delete the pipeline, rollback the pipeline deployment configuration, and query its running history.