Alert Rules

This section describes in-detail information on creating Alert Rules to trigger the alert when the conditions are fulfilled. The data used in Alert Rules can be actual measuring point from assets or measuring point after stream processing. Take wind turbines as example, the user may define a triggering point when the wind speed exceeds 30m/s. When the wind turbines exceed 30m/s, an Alert Record will be reported in the platform. The Alert Rules are oriented to specific Model, and able to act accordingly within:

  • All assets defined with the same Model
  • Specific asset in the assets tree that are instantiated based on the same Model.


The user require permission in Edge Alert service. User may request the permission from the organization’s administrator to allow access to Edge Alert service. Before creating Alert Rules, the user must complete the following step:

Create Alert Severity

  1. Select Edge Management from the left navigation menu and click view icon on specific Edge instance in the list. Select Alert Service tab.
  2. Click New Rule and provide the required information as below:
  • Rule ID: Unique identifier to be defined by the user. Support letters, numbers, period (.), underscore (_) and dash (-). Only maximum of 50 characters.
  • Select Model: Select the asset Model and measurement point based on this alert.
  • Condition: Select the condition to trigger the alert. This item divided into two section:
    • Relational Operator: An operator that defines the alert triggering point based on measuring point data against with defined threshold.
    • Threshold: The user may define a specific number as the threshold. In addition, the user may select the attribute value of an asset as the threshold. This allows the user to configure the same Alert Rule for assets with the same Model but with different triggering threshold.
  • Scope: Select the scope of the Alert Rule
    • All Devices: The rule applies to all asset instance based on the Model.
    • Asset Tree: The rule applies to all asset instance based on the Model within the asset tree. The user may specify the node in the asset tree and the rules will be applied to the specified node. When asset tree is updated, the rules will be applied automatically to all relevant nodes and child nodes. For example, if a new child node is added under the node where the rule applied, the child node will automatically inherit the Alert Rules defined in the parent node.
  • Alert Content: Select the preset Alert Content for Alert Rule.
  • Alert Severity: Select the preset Alert Severity for Alert Rule.
  • Tag: User may add custom tag to manage the Alert Rules according to the scenario.
  • Alert Triggering Delay: The user may define a delay (in seconds) to alert when an asset continuously meeting the condition of Alert Rules. The shortest configuration for delay will be 60 seconds, and the longest will be 10800 seconds (3 hours).
  • Alert Masking: Only available when the Scope is an asset tree. When Alert Masking is enabled, all the alerts associated with the child nodes of the selected asset node will be blocked. It helps to reduce irrelevant alerts.
  • Enable: To enable the Alert Rule immediately.


After creating or editing an Alert Rule, click Publish. The Alert Rule will be transmitted to EnOS Edge and will take effect within 5 minutes.