Registering a Device

A device is an instance of a model. It belongs to a certain product. The platform issues a DeviceKey to the device, which is a unique certificate in the organization. The device can be directly connected to the platform, or connect to the IoT platform as a sub-device via edge. This section describes how to register a device.

Before you start

Ensure the product which the device belongs to has been created. For information about how to create a product, see Creating a Product.

Step 1: creating a device

#. In the EnOS Management Console, select Device Management. #.

Click New Device and complete the following settings in the pop-up window.

  • Product: Select the product which the device belongs to. After the product is successfully created, it cannot be edited through Edit Device. After selecting a product, you can configure the attributes and features in the template corresponding to the product, which could be mandatory or optional.
  • Device Name: The field supports Chinese characters, uppercase and lowercase alphabets, numbers, hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.) and colons (:). The length cannot exceed 64 characters.
  • Device Key: A unique identifier for the product under the same organization. If not provided, the system will generate one for you. If self-defined, this field supports uppercase and lowercase alphabets, numbers, hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.) and colons (:). The length should be 4 - 64 characters. After a product is successfully created, it cannot be edited through Edit Device.
  • Timezone/City: Select the time zone (UTC) of the location of the device. If the location uses daylight saving time, check Use DST, and then select the city where DST is applicable from the drop-down list.
  • Attributes: The mandatory attributes, optional attributes and supported data types, which are all inherited from the model associated with the product that the device belongs.
  1. Click OK to create the device.

Step 2: (optional) adding a Tag

A tag describes the common information shared by all instances of the device.

  1. From the list of created devices, find the target device and click View.
  2. Under the Basic Information tab, click Edit in the Tags section.
  3. In the pop-up window, click New Tag, and enter the key-value pair (key:value) for the new tag.
  4. Click OK to save the tag.


After the device is created, it can be viewed in the device list.

Next steps

To store the data uploaded by the device in TSDB for subsequent data analysis, you need to configure TSDB storage.