Local Asset Config Tool

EnOS Edge Local Asset Config Tool (local configuration) provides a subset of tools from EnOS Cloud to model and manage devices locally, focusing on device access and device management for edge devices and sub-devices.


When EnOS is not accessible or there is a weak or disconnected network, the local asset configuration tool is used as a local alternative to the cloud asset configuration tool.


Any configuration changes of the Edge device should be updated in the local configuration tool once you use the tool.


The local asset configuration tool has the following features:

  • Support management of Model, Product, Asset, Login and App.
  • Support management of templates and communication protocols.
  • Support batch management of multiple edges and publishing multiple gateways or Edge Extensive configurations online.
  • Support batch sync of models with EnOS Cloud through exporting and importing Json files.
  • Provide the entrance for local debugging in the local configuration tool
  • Provide built-in Edge public models and common protocols to accelerate delivery progress
  • Support deployment on the Edge IIoT Gateway

Initial Configuration

To use the latest features in the local asset configuration tool, you need to synchronize models, protocols and pipelines from EnOS Cloud.


The local asset configuration tool has in-built common protocols. Since protocols may be updated with the project delivery, it is recommended to export all the protocols needed in a delivery from the cloud and import them in the local configuration center.

Before You Start

  • Make sure that the local configuration asset tool is deployed on EnOS Edge.
  • Make sure that Edge License is activated. For more information, see License Management.

Step 1: Export Configuration Files

The product manager can export the following configuration items:

  • Export Models

    1. Log in to JianDaoYun. Go to Envision Digital Operation Union > Public/Private Model Export and apply for the exported model files. For more information, contact EnOS Edge team (edge-support@envision-digital.com).


      Apply for the public models first. After public models are synchronized, apply for the private models based on your requirements.

    2. Get the exported model file package from EnOS Edge team.

  • Export Protocols of Data Connection and Forwarding

    1. Log in to EnOS Management Console and go to EnOS Edge > Protocols.

    2. Select the protocols and click Batch Export to download the protocol package (protocol.zip).


      Only the advanced account has the permission to export protocols. Other account user can contact EnOS Edge team (edge-support@envision-digital.com) for the protocol package (protocol.zip).

      • On the site of Zone 1, the common forwarding protocol is IEC104.
      • On the site of Zone 1, the common connection protocols are:
        • modbusTCP
        • modbusRTU
        • IEC104
        • DLT645-1997
        • DLT645-2007
        • GeneralFilePull
        • OPCUA

  • Export the Pipeline of Steam Computing (Optional)
    1. Log in to EnOS Management Console and go to EnOS Edge > Stream Computing.
    2. Select the pipeline and click . In the drop-down list, click Export to download the pipeline package.

Step 2: Log in to Local Configuration Center

  1. After obtaining the file exported in Step 1 from the product manager, the delivery engineer can log in to the local configuration center according to the following information:
    • Address: https://<the IP addrss of local configuraion server on the site>/edge-portal/login.html
    • System user is used to maintain public models
      • Account: system
      • Initial password: Test1234
    • Public user (OU administrator) is used for delivery and O&M
      • Account: admin
      • Initial password: Test1234
  2. To meet the requirements of security and compliance, change the initial password when you log in for the first time.

Step 3: Import Configuration Files

The edge delivery engineer can import the following configuration items:

  • Import Models

    1. Since the model package exported in Step 1 is encrypted, unzip it first.

    2. Open the folder and zip all the json files to create an unencrypted package (.zip).

    3. Log in to the local asset configuration tool according to the model type.

      • Log in as the system user when importing public models.
      • Log in as the admin user when exporting public models.
    4. Go to Models > Private Model and click import.

    5. Update the new package in the pop-up window.

    6. Click Confirm to parse model files.

    7. Confirm the updated or new models in the pop-up and click Import.

    8. Wait for the results. If the pop-up window shows failure, contact EnOS Edge team (edge-support@envision-digital.com) for technical support.


      If a model is used in EnOS Edge template for device data connection or forwarding, the import operation will be canceled and display failed result when the imported package includes the model, its parent models and other related models. It is recommended to change the model configuration in “Models” page of the local configuration tool.

  • Import Protocols of Data Connection and Forwarding
    1. In the local configuration tool, go to EnOS Edge > Protocols and click Import.
    2. Update the protocol package (protocol.zip) exported in Step 1.

  • Import the Pipeline of Steam Computing (Optional)
    1. In the local configuration tool, go to EnOS Edge > Stream Computing.
    2. Click Create pipeline and click Import Pipelines from Archives.
    3. Update the pipeline package exported in Step 1.

Operating Procedures

The local configuration tool provides the following features the same as the cloud configuration tool.