Managing Edge Cascading

This article describes how to manage a edge cascading between Edge devices in different configuration centers.

Before You Start

Ensure that you have created the edge cascading between Edge devices. For more information, see Creating Edge Cascading.

View Edge Cascading

You can choose the following methods to view the Edge Cascading:

  • To view Edge Cascading in the parent Edge device, go to the Edge Details of the parent Edge device and click Access > Edge Cascading.
  • To view Edge Cascading in the child Edge device, go to the Edge Details of the child Edge device and click Forwarding > Edge Cascading.
  • To switch between the parent and child Edge devices, go to the Edge Cascading page, expand the cascading connection list and click the target device.

Edit Edge Cascading

To add device collection point in the child Edge device or modify the forwarding points, you can:

  1. In Edge Management, click the Edge Details of the parent Edge device and click Access > Edge Cascading.
  2. Click the cascading connection to expand the device list and click the Edit button of the child Edge device.
  3. Select the measurement points according to your need:
    • Select the points in the right and click < to remove them from the data forwarding list.
    • Select the points in the left and click > to add them into the data forwarding list.
  4. Deploy the modified Edge cascading according to the network:
    • When Edge devices can be connected to EnOS Management Console, click Publish to directly deploy cascading configuration to the devices.
    • When Edge devices can not be connected to EnOS Management Console, click More > Download all the resource package. And then upload the resource package into the target Edge devices using the local O&M tool. For more information, see Local Loading Configuration.

Remove the Edge cascading

Edge cascading does not support bulk deletion, the deletion needs to start with the bottom edge device. Currently, there are two ways to remove edge cascading:

  • In the Edge list, click the Delete button to remove one of the bottom edge devices.
  • On the Edge details page, click the Delete button to delete a cascading connection.

Remove Edge Cascading from the Edge List

  1. In Edge Management list, click new and select the child Edge device.
  2. Click the Delete button on the right to trigger the deletion.

Remove Edge Cascading from Edge Details

  1. In Edge Management list, go to Edge Details of the parent Edge device and click Access > Edge Cascading.
  2. Click Delete button on the right side of the Cascading Connection to trigger the delete operation.