Model Points Tags

You can add tags to model points for pre-configuration. EnOS Edge now supports the following tags:

Tag Description Value
Upload The upload mode
  • REALTIME: upload real-time data
  • CHANGE: upload when data changes
  • NOT_UPLOAD: do not upload
  • TIMER:upload data with a fixed time period
  • CHANGE_TIMER: upload data with a fixed time period ,and data changes within the period will also be uploaded
Upload_Interval The upload interval The seconds (ms): the interval to upload data
Edge-Mapping The mapping mode
  • Without tags: map data according to your need
  • NOTSUGGEST: mapping is not suggested, but the point will be displayed.
  • SUGGEST: mapping is suggested, but not required
  • MUST: mapping is required
  • FORBID: mapping is not suggested, and the point will not be displayed.
Edge-OEM-TS Whether to use OEM timestamp
  • TRUE: use OEM
  • FALSE: not use OEM
HistoryChannel Data backfilling strategy
  • RealChannel: backfill data in the real-time channel
  • HisChannel: backfill data in the history channel
  • Remove: delete data directly