What’s Changed?

EnOS 2.2 Release introduces the following behavioral changes.

EnOS Platform Core Services

Resource Management

Resource Name Before After
Resource Directory Device and Asset IoT Hub
Stream Processing Resource - Stream Designing Stream Designing Pipeline Design
Data Federation Resource Quota alarms are not supported and the maximum number of application instances is 5. Available options are 1 - 20 CU. Support quota alarms, and the ceiling of the application instance is adjusted to 1. Available options are 1 - 1000 CU.
Device Integration Resource 1 CU = 0.5 Core CPU + 1 GB Memory 1 CU = 0.5 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory
Time Series Database Resource Available options are 10 - 5,000 GB; Write Resource: 5,000 points / second Available options are 10 - 500,000 GB; Computing Resource: Available options are 1 - 10 CU.
Stream Processing Resource - Pipeline Design Specification There are four standard specifications: Standard, Standard × 2, Standard × 3, and Standard × 4. Standard: 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory. 1 CU stream designing resource supports the installation of 3 lib packages. Specification: 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory. 1 CU stream designing resource supports the installation of 3 lib packages. Available options are 1 - 100 CU.
Stream Processing Resource - Cluster Processing Specification There are 8 standard specifications: Standard, Standard × 2, Standard × 3, Standard × 4, Standard × 5, Standard × 6, Standard × 7, and Standard × 8. Standard: Yarn Cluster: 8 CU, StreamSets Server: 4 CU Specification: 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory. Available options are 12 - 600 CU.
Stream Processing Resource - Standalone Processing Specification There are 8 standard specifications: Standard, Standard × 2, Standard × 3, Standard × 4, Standard × 5, Standard × 6, Standard × 7, and Standard × 8. Standard: 4 CU. Specification: 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory. Available options are 1 - 2000 CU.
Stream Processing Resource - Cluster Processing 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory. Available options are 12 - 600 CU.

It includes container resource and cluster resource

  • Container Resource: 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory. A flow task requires about 1 CU of container resource, which are mainly used for task submissions, indicator collections, etc.
  • Cluster Resource: 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory. 1 CU can process 2,700 to 3,700 data per second for simple operations such as single-stream filtering, string conversion, etc. For complex operations such as WINDOW, UDF, and HTTP requests, 1 CU can process 900 to 3,300 data per second.
Batch Processing - Container Resource 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory. Available options are 1 - 100 CU. The current Batch Processing - Container resource specifications are divided into Design Mode and Running Mode, both of which are 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory. Available options are 1 - 5000 CU.
Batch Processing - Queue Available options are 1 - 100 CU Computing-Intensive: available options are 2 - 5,000 CU; Memory-Intensive: Available options are 4 - 5000 CU.
Batch Processing - Container There are four standard specifications for resource specifications: Standard/Standard × 2/Standard × 3/Standard × 4/Standard: 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory. Computing Resource: 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory, Computing Resource 1 - 100 CU.
Data Warehouse Storage Resource Available options are 10 - 1,000 GB Available options are 10 - 500,000 GB
HDFS File Storage Resource Available options are 10 - 2,000 GB Available options are 10 - 500,000 GB
ML Model - Container Resource CU: Available options are 2 - 64 vcore,RAM: Available options are 4 - 128 GB, Storage: Available options are 5 - 320 GB CU: 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 16 GB Memory, available options are 2 - 320 CU, RAM: Available options are 5 - 320 GB, and support enable/disable data permissions.
ML Model - Container Resource 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 4 GB Memory 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 16 GB Memory
Data Archiving Resource There are four standard specifications: standard , standard × 2, standard × 4 and standard × 8. Standard: 5,000 records / second 1 CU can process 5,000 data points per second. Available options are 1 - 50 CU.
Application Hosting Resource 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 4 GB Memory + 8 GB Storage. Available options are 1 - 100 CU.
  • CPU Request: Available options are 1.0 - 200 vCore
  • CPU Limit: Available options are 2.0 - 200 vCore
  • Memory Request: Available options are 1.0 - 600 GB
  • Memory Limit: Available options are 2.0 - 600 GB
  • Storage: Available options are 1.0 - 1000 GB

IoT Hub

Service/Function Module Before After Impact
Models AI-type measurement points supports only double data type. AI-type measurement points supports not only double, but also integer and float data types. None
Models Search for models using model tags. You can now search for models by their feature definition tags: Attribute Tag, Measurement Point Tag, Service Tag, and Event Tag. None
Firmware OTA Upgrade Firmware verification and upgrade pages are separated. Consolidated firmware verification and upgrade pages. Supports verification timeout and re-validate after failure. None
Firmware OTA Upgrade You cannot cancel when uploading a firmware. You can now cancel when uploading a firmware. None
Firmware OTA Upgrade You can only use the device key to identify devices when specifying target devices for verification or upgrading. You can now identify devices by attribute, tag, or asset tree node. None
Firmware OTA Upgrade   Failure cause is now displayed on the upgrade details page. None
Alert Service You can access Alert Contents from the EnOS Console Management navigation menu. Alert Contents is removed from the navigation menu and moved to Alert Rules > Basic Alert Rule Functions > Alert Contents, beside the Alert Rules tab. None
Alert Service Two types of alert records: active and history. Each type has their own tab, accessed via Alert Records in the navigation menu. Active and history alert records are now classified under basic alert records. Alert Records in the navigation menu now links to the advanced alert records, which have two types, real-time and historical alert records, where both can be search separately or together in one page. Basic alert records can still be accessed from Alert Rules > Basic Alert Records. None

Enterprise Data Platform

Starting from EnOS 2.2 Release, the following products of Enterprise Data Platform are renamed:

Before After
数据联邦 -> 通道管理 / Data Federation -> Channel Manager 数据联邦 -> 联邦通道管理 / Data Federation -> Federation Channels
时序数据管理 -> 存储策略 / Time Series Data Management -> Storage Policy 时序数据管理 -> 存储策略 / Time Series Data Management -> Storage Policies
流数据处理 -> 流开发 / Stream Processsing -> Stream Development 流数据处理 -> 流开发 / Stream Processsing -> Pipeline Designer
流数据处理 -> 流运维 / Stream Processsing -> Stream Operation 流数据处理 -> 流运维 / Stream Processsing -> Pipeline Operation
流数据处理 -> 包管理 / Stream Processsing -> Streamsets Libs 流数据处理 -> 流运维 / Stream Processsing -> Pipeline Library
批数据处理 -> 数据开发 / Batch Processing -> Data Development 批数据处理 -> 任务流开发 / Batch Processing -> Workflow Development
批数据处理 -> 任务资源 / Batch Processing -> Job Resource 批数据处理 -> 任务资源 / Batch Processing -> Task Resources
批数据处理 -> 任务运维 / Batch Processing -> Workflow Operation 批数据处理 -> 任务流运维 / Batch Processing -> Workflow Operation

Application Enablement

Application Portal

Service / Function Before After
Security Settings by System Administrators Password rules and session timeout settings are available. Password rules and session timeout settings are now configured by OU administrators.
Password Reset An error message appears if the email address entered is not registered in Application Portal. The error message is removed due to security concerns.
User Details The full name and phone number of a user is shared among all OUs where the user is added. The full name and phone number of a user is specific to an OU, and changes to these details in an OU will not affect other OUs.
User Removal When OU administrators remove a user from an OU, the user is not deleted from Application Portal. If the user only belongs to one OU, removing the user would mean that all user data, including the username and the registered email address will be permanently deleted from Application Portal. The same email address can be used to create a new user account, if necessary.


Service / Function Before After
Content validation when the API is created The process of API creation is divided into five steps: API basic information, API back-end service, API request, return result, and plug-in configuration. The user needs to verify the input content of the current step page when navigating to the previous step and the next step. Users can view the previous input content without verifying the input content of the current step.
Creating or editing APIs Back-end Timeout Time Connect Timeout


Service / Function Before After Impact
Data Federation Service The Authorization parameter is mandatory in the header for providing the access token. The Authorization parameter is not needed. Update applications that use the Data Federation Service APIs.
Alert Service When creating active and history alerts, you can only specify the asset ID. You can now specify the path of the alert assets on the asset tree according to the scope of the alert rule. None
Alert Service When searching for active and history alert records, the maximum number of queries returned is 10,000. More than 10,000 queries can be returned. None
Model Service Query by modelId and tags for Search Thing Model API. You can now query not only by modelId and tags, but also by attributeTags, measurepointTags, serviceTags, and eventTags. None
Asset Service, Get Asset API Required authorization: Asset Required authorization: Asset Tree Management Change in operation permission.
Asset Service, Update Asset API Required authorization and permission: Asset, write Required authorization and permission: Asset Tree Management, full access Change in operation permission.
Connection Service Unable to get the mirror source device key when getting the information of a device. Get Device API can now return the mirror source device key. None
Connection Service   In the request body for Update Device API, isPatchUpdate can be used to implement entire or partial updates. None
Connection Service   You can now get the device’s current firmware version when using Get Device and Search Device APIs. None

Notification Management

Service or Function

Service / Function Before After
STMP Config Belongs to the menu path Mail > Mail Setting Belongs to the menu path Administration > Notification Channels
The Token name of the service Token Key