Ticket management tracks the current user requests or those tickets that have been requested and processed. It records the details of all the tickets you have requested.
Viewing Ticket Details¶
You can view the ticket with the following steps.
Log in to the EOC and select Tickets > My Tickets in the left navigation bar.
Enter the title in the search box to quickly locate the target ticket.
Click Name Details of the title to access the details page to view the basic information and history of the ticket.
View Approver Details¶
To go through the tickets process faster, you can contact the approver to speed up the process. View contact details by the following steps.
Log in to the EOC and select Tickets > My Tickets in the left navigation bar.
On the my ticket page, move your mouse over the approver’s name to view the approver’s phone number and email address, and click
to copy the information.