Trigger Report Schedule

Trigger a report schedule.

Request Format

POST https://{api-gateway}/s-reportds/v1.0/subscription/execution

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The ID of the organization which the report schedule belongs to. How to get orgID>>
accesskey Query Mandatory String The access key of the application which triggers the report schedule. How to get accesskey>>

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
scheduleId Mandatory String The ID of the schedule task.
parameters.argKey Optional String The key of a dynamic parameter.
parameters.argValue Optional String The value of a dynamic parameter.

Response Content Type



Request Sample

POST https://{api-gateway}/s-reportds/v1.0/subscription/execution?accessKey=yourAppAccessKey&orgId=yourOrgId
        "parameters": [
            "argKey": "pointList",
            "argValue": "SITE.RadiationACC,SITE.ActiveProduction,SITE.FullHour,SITE.TBA_TotalTime"
            "argKey": "orgId",
            "argValue": "yourOrgId"
            "argKey": "mdmIds",
            "argValue": "yourMdmId"
            "argKey": "startTime",
            "argValue": "2020-01-01"
            "argKey": "endTime",
            "argValue": "2020-12-31"
            "argKey": "token",
            "argValue": "Bearer APP_PORTAL_S_1234567890987654321"
            "argKey": "timeGroup",
            "argValue": "M"

Response Sample

    "msg": "Success",
    "code": 0,
    "data": {sampleData},
    "success": true