About TSDB Data Service API V2.1

This version is available for EnOS 2.1.3 update and later releases. For a complete list of interfaces and functional descriptions of V2.1 APIs, see API List.

API List

You can see what operations can be used via these APIs, the URL corresponding to each operation, and whether it is applicable to EnOS Cloud and EnOS Edge in the following table.

API Name


EnOS Cloud

EnOS Edge

Filter Asset Latest Data

Filter and query the latest data of a single measurement point for multiple devices.

Get Asset AI Data with Aggregation Logic

Get the AI aggregated data of a specified measurement point of a specified device within a certain period.

Get Asset AI Raw Data

Get the original AI data of a specified measurement point of a specified device within a certain period.

Get Asset Current Day Electric Power

Get the accumulated power consumption/production data of a specified device from 00:00 (local time) to current time.

Get Asset DI Data

Get the status (DI) data of a specified device within a certain period.

Get Asset DI Data Duration

Get the duration of different status (DI) data of a specified device within a certain period.

Get Asset Electric Power Data

Get the power consumption/production data of a specified device within a certain period.

Get Asset Generic Data

Get the generic data of a specified measurement point of a specified device within a certain period.

Get Asset Latest Data

Get the latest data of specified measurement points of a specified device.

Get Asset Raw Data By Time Range

Get the original data of a specified measurement point of a specified device within a certain period (including AI, DI, and Generic data types).

Get Last Changed Data

Get the last changed data of the specified measurement points of specified devices.

Check Dead Data

Check whether data of the specified measurement point of specified device is dead data and return the last changed data of the measurement point.

Get Asset Unified Raw Data

Query standard data and non-standard data.


Request Method

TSDB Data Service V2.1 APIs support POST method. The orgId parameter is located in the request URL, and the request parameters are included in the request body in the format of JSON.

Recommend Poseidon version in SDK:


For more information on how to invoke EnOS APIs using EnOS SDKs, see Invoking EnOS APIs Using EnOS SDKs

Common Error Codes





Invalid param error

Invalid One or more parameters are invalid. For details, see the error message.


Assset unauthorized

The SA does not have access permission to assets. Check the authorization to the application SA.


Internal server error

Internal server error.