Creating Work Orders¶
Work orders are at the core of the maintenance work carried out by the execution team. A work order includes information such as tasks to be completed and the operator, execution time, and the materials required to complete the work. In the work order, the manager can view, schedule, and assign the work order. After receiving the work order, the operator handles and completes the work order.
The default work order workflow is shown in the following figure:
The blue box is the node of the workflow. After the user completes the operation for the current node, the ticket moves to the next node.
The grey box is the ticket status after it passes through the node and the operation is complete.

EnOS Work Management supports custom configuration of work order fields and workflows. This article uses the default work order configuration as an example, which may be different from your actual interface. For custom configurations, please contact your system administrator.
Work orders can be created in several ways:
In the EnOS Monitoring & Control and Advanced Analytics applications, alerts or early warning records can trigger work orders to Work Management