File Upload

This element displays a file upload button for users to upload files from their computer.

The maximum file size that users can upload is 200 MB, and the supported file formats are json, doc, pdf, xls, msg, ppt, pptx, sldx, ppsx, potx, xltx, dotx, xaml, gtar, gz, zip, bmp, jpeg, jpg, jpe, png, svg, asc, txt, tsv.


The following figure shows how the element would appear on the form.


The following table describes the properties of the element.

Property Description
Label Specify the label that appears on the form.
Variable Name Specify a unique name for identifying the variable that is used to store the user input. You can reference this variable when defining UEL expressions.
Required Specify if the element is a required field.
Visible Specify if the element is shown or hidden on the form. You can use a UEL expression to define this property. The element is shown if the expression evaluates to true, and hidden if the expression evaluates to false.