Key Concepts

The user and permission system in Configuration Center inherits from EnOS Application Portal. Before getting started, you should understand the key concepts of the Application Portal.

The following are the relevant concepts for Configuration Center.

Onboarding Template

An Onboarding Template is a collection of metadata for specific asset types, modelling rules, topology rules, asset elements, and other requirements. After binding to a template, an OU can use the metadata in the template to access and manage assets. Templates ensure data isolation between different OUs.


A model is an abstract representation of a specific asset that can be managed on EnOS. Users can define four characteristics of a model based on the actual product requirements: attributes, measurement points, services, and events. Assets that are accessed must be associated with a model, and a model can be associated with multiple assets. For more information, see Modelling Assets.

Depending on the scope of openness, models can be divided into the following two types:

  • Public models: available to all OUs. When creating a business object, you need to associate it with an EnOS public model. By default, the access model, display fields, and other details will be determined by the associated public model. You can associate public sub-models inherited from the public model with business objects at the global or OU level.
  • Private models: only available within specific OUs. Whether a business object can be associated with a private model and the scope of a private model’s application is determined by the modelling rule.


Assets are instances of the model that are accessed based on the model. Assets also have the four characteristics of the model: properties, datapoints, services, and events. An asset can be a device or a group of assets. For example:

  • A device: It can be a device, such as an inverter. It can also be a component on the device, such as a battery pack. Devices and components are IoT endpoints that can connect to the network and transmit data, and they need to be created in the site.
  • A combination: It can be a physical or logical site that includes devices and components, such as a PV site.

Other types of assets that are not sites, devices, or components are collectively referred to as custom type assets. Custom assets can be created inside or outside the site.

Business Object

Business object is the result of asset data and its business semantic abstraction, including site type, device type, component type, custom type, manufacturer, model, dimension, unit, etc. The global business object is open to all OUs. By assigning business objects to onboarding templates, specific OUs can be specified to use business objects, achieving data isolation between OUs.

After associating the model with site type, device type, component type, custom type, and manufacturer model, it can be used for:

  • When accessing this type of asset in Onboarding Tool, use this model as the onboarding model.
  • When displaying asset information in Unified Monitoring, the model determines the field range of displayable properties, datapoints, and other fields, as well as the display name and order of fields.

Display Field

Visual grouping is used to customize the display name and order of business object in visual pages such as Unified Monitoring, in order to adapt to the visualization needs of business objects in different business scenarios.

Business Rule

Business rules are custom rules defined when building business metadata, including topology rules, modelling rules, and control rules.

Topology Rule

Topology rules define the rules that must be followed when building the topology structure between assets in an OU, including the type of topology structure and the scope of assets that can be mounted. They apply to the functionality of building a topology tree in Onboarding Tool. The topology rules assigned in the onboarding template take effect in the current OU.


The topology, also known as the topology tree, is the visual representation of the hierarchical relationship between assets. Assets are mounted on the topology tree according to topology rules to form the topology structure. An asset can only be mounted once in an asset tree, but it can be mounted on multiple topology trees to meet the multi-dimensional management of assets. In Onboarding Tool, the topology tree is divided into independent trees and branch trees. For more information, see Topology.

Modelling Rule

Modelling rules define the rules that must be followed when an OU uses a private model, including the asset types, scope, and creation method of the private model. They affect the scope of the associated models when configuring OU business objects. The modelling rules assigned in the onboarding template take effect in the current OU.

Control Rule

Control Rules are rules defined for controlling commands, which apply to Fleet Control. A control rule corresponds to a control command that a device is capable of executing. By customizing control rules, you can configure the display information of control commands in the control panel, including customizing the display of control commands for each type of device or EMS device, setting control parameters, and monitoring points related to control commands.

Standard Control Service

Standard Control Services are a set of control services defined with business semantics according to industry standards and accumulated domain-specific knowledge. Standard Control Services can be continuously expanded according to business development and are stored in EnOS Standard Service Library, together with the existing Standard Property Library and Standard Point Library, forming the Standard Function Library.

Standard Control Services support the following control types:

  • Grid-connected/Islanded
  • Power on/Power off
  • Reset
  • Set maximum active power, including generation and consumption
  • Set slope rate, including climb slope rate and slide slope rate
  • Set maximum charging power
  • Set maximum discharging power
  • Set active power, including generation and consumption, corresponding to charging/discharging for energy storage
  • Set reactive power

Asset Element

Asset elements refer to metrics (KPIs) and calculation points. Configuration Center’s global layer integrates metrics from EnOS Metric Management and associates them with business objects, dimensions, and other information to form asset elements. Depending on the scope of effectiveness, elements can be divided into the following levels:

  • Public: Effective for all OUs, created and managed in the global asset element menu page.
  • OU layer: Effective only for specific OUs, created and managed in the asset element menu page. It includes two parts:
    • The part that is effective for the current OU in the global layer asset element.
    • Private metrics and private calculation points created by the current OU.

Metric (KPI)

Metrics, also known as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), are statistical values that measure overall characteristics of a target, serving as indicators of business performance in a specific activity. Examples of metrics include power generation, loss of electricity, and failure rate.

Metrics typically consist of two parts: the metric name and the metric value. The name and its meaning reflect the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the metric, while the value reflects the quantity of the metric under specific time, place, and condition.

Calculation Point

Calculation points are values obtained through real-time calculation based on dimensions and expressions during queries. They are suitable for lightweight calculation scenarios.

OLAP Source

Elements can be classified into two types according to their sources: OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) sources and non-OLAP sources.

  • OLAP Sources: Created in Metric Management and then synchronized to Configuration Center.
  • Non-OLAP Sources: Created in Configuration Center.

Configuration Center divides OLAP source metrics into two levels:

  • OLAP Atomic Metrics: Indivisible metrics abstracted based on business logic, i.e., atomic metrics in Metric Management. For more information, see Atomic Metrics.
  • OLAP Metric Mappings: Secondary metrics derived from atomic metrics. For more information, see Derived Metrics.


Mapping refers to the derivation of elements based on elements to meet domain requirements. There are two sources of mapped metrics:

  • Custom sources: Mappings manually created for an element in Configuration Center.
  • OLAP sources: Derived metrics and extended metrics synchronized from atomic metrics associated with the element.

Mapped metrics cannot be configured for elements with existing expressions.


After configuring an expression for an element, simple online calculations, such as unit conversion, can be performed to form new secondary metrics in Configuration Center. Mapped metrics cannot be configured with expressions.

Object Manager

The Object Manager is used to manage object-oriented databases in global and OU, and consists of the following parts:

  • Object: A data table in the object-oriented database, and each row of data stored in the table is called an object instance.
  • Object Relationship: Specifies the relationship between two objects through foreign keys.
  • View: Combines the fields of one or more objects based on object relationships.

Excel Model

The asset collection table summarizes detailed information about assets to be connected, typically including the following:

  • Types, numbers, and names of stations to be connected.
  • Names of assets, including devices, components, and custom types, as well as manufacturers and models of devices/components.
  • The hierarchical relationship between assets, which will automatically build topology based on the relationship.