Upload Measurement Point

The upload measurement point node uploads measurement point data to EnOS. The uploaded measurement point data is stored according to the storage policy.

Node Type


Input and Output Ability

This node has multiple entry points and 1 exit point.

The input must be a JSON object or JSON array and is the measurement point data of an asset. The measurement point data must conform to the format of any EnOS-defined standard connectivity protocol. For more information on the protocols, see Connection Protocols.

This node does not output any message but stores the measurement point data as configured.

Node Properties




The name of this node.



The channel for uploading the measurement point, either Real-time or Offline.



The description for the node.


Input Sample

The input message of this node is JSON object containing the mesurement point data of an asset that conforms to the standard connectivity protocols EnOS defines. AssetId alone or productKey + deviceKey together can identify a device.


Output Sample

This node does not output any message but stores the measurement point data as configured.