Report OTA

The Report OTA node reports OTA information such as the device firmware version, OTA progress, etc. For more information about firmware upgrade OTA in EnOS, see Firmware Upgrade OTA.

Node Type


Input and Output Ability

This node has 1 entry point and multiple exit points. Both input and output format are JSON.

The input needs to follow the EnOS OTA update format, as per the example below.

    "params": {

Possible parameters inside params include the below, where only one of them can be listed in params at any one time, otherwise an error will be reported.

  • verison: The firmware version number that the device reports.
  • progress: The device OTA progress, which corresponds to the the OTA step. For more information, see Developing OTA Capabilities on Devices.
  • desc: Additional descriptive information.

Node Properties


Node Name


The name for this node.



The description for this node.


  • Needs to follow the EnOS OTA protocol update format.


Input Samples

  "assetId": "BzWDwkn1",
  "params": {
    "progress": "66"

Output Sample

The output is the same as the input.