Getting Started: Storing Data from Third-Party System¶
This task helps you get started with Device Integration Service with a scenario that stemmed from real customer needs.
A third-party system uploads device data via HTTP. When the device data is uploaded to EnOS, an integration flow receives the message with HTTP Server and then map the uploaded message to an asset defined in EnOS. Finally, the flow converts the message into the standard EnOS-defined JSON and saves the message data.

About This Task¶
This task has the following steps.
Create Model
Create Integration Flow
Design Flow
Publish and Start Flow
Before You Start¶
Ensure that you have requested for the Device Integration Resource.
Step 1: Create Model¶
This step assumes that there is no existing device model that can be used. Create a new model named city_iems_cctv with the features defined as per the below. For more information about models, see Creating a Model.
Feature Type |
Name |
Identifier |
Data Type |
Value |
Attributes |
Device ID No. |
device_id_no |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Event Name |
alarm_data_event_name |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
People Count |
raw_data_count |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
People Count Percentage |
raw_data_count_percentage |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Image Path |
raw_data_imgpath |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Object Type |
raw_data_objtype |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Raw Image Path wo OBB |
raw_data_patch |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
People Association |
raw_data_pplassoc |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Raw Image Path wo BB |
raw_data_rawimgpath |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Bounding Box |
raw_data_rect |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Event Start Time |
raw_data_start_time |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Time Stamp |
raw_data_timestamp |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Time Stamp Unix |
raw_data_timestamp_unix |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Track ID |
raw_data_track_id |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Video Path |
raw_data_videopath |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Camera ID |
raw_stream_camera |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Region of Interests |
raw_stream_roi |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Streaming ID |
raw_stream_streamingID |
string |
1024 |
Measurement Points |
Zone |
raw_stream_zone |
string |
1024 |
Step 2: Create Integration Flow¶
Log in to the EnOS Console Management and click Device Integration > Flow Designer from the left navigation menu.
Click New Integration Flow, enter the flow name and description, and click OK.
Step 3: Design Flow¶
You will enter the Flow Designer page with a blank canvas. A list of nodes will be displayed on the left.
Design the flow with the following nodes in the order shown below.

Add the HTTP Server node to the Flow Designer canvas. For more information about the HTTP Server node, see HTTP Server.
Add the Script node to the canvas and name it Auth. Go to the Script tab and enter the following code.
var timestamp = metadata.get("Timestamp"); print("header timestamp :" + timestamp); var auth = metadata.get("Authorization"); print("header auth :" + auth); var body = JSON.stringify(msg); var appId = "maimnwk3"; var secretKey = "X56ZXY"; var rawData = appId + body + timestamp; print("rawData :" + rawData); var result = tools.HMACSHA256Util.encrypt(rawData, secretKey); print("result :" + result); if (result === auth) { return, JSON.stringify(msg)); } else { return; } return, JSON.stringify(msg));
For more information about the Script node, see Script.
Add another Script node to the canvas and name it Parse Data. Go to the Script tab and enter the following code.
if (!msg.Data) { return; } var dataArray =; var stream =; var device_id =; var flag = true; for (var i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) { var data = dataArray[i]; if (!data.eventName) { flag = false; break; } var paramsArray = new Array(); if (data.eventName === "Abandon") { var mps = {}; mps["raw_data_count"] = JSON.stringify(data.count); mps["alarm_data_event_name"] = data.eventName; mps["raw_data_imgpath"] = JSON.stringify(data.imgpath); mps["raw_data_objtype"] = data.objType; mps["raw_data_pplassoc"] = data.peopleassociation; mps["raw_data_rawimgpath"] = JSON.stringify(data.rawimgpath); mps["raw_data_rect"] = JSON.stringify(data.rect); mps["raw_data_start_time"] = data.startTime; mps["raw_data_track_id"] = data.trackId; mps["raw_data_timestamp"] = data.timestamp; mps["raw_data_timestamp_unix"] = data.tsUnix; mps["raw_data_videopath"] = JSON.stringify(data.videopath); mps["raw_data_patch"] = JSON.stringify(data.patch); mps["raw_stream_camera"] =; mps["raw_stream_roi"] = stream.roi; mps["raw_stream_streamingID"] = stream.streamingID; mps["raw_stream_zone"] =; var timestamp = data.timestamp; var params = {}; params["measurepoints"] = mps; params["time"] = new Date().getTime(); params["device_id_no"] = device_id; paramsArray.push(params); } else if (data.eventName == "CrowdAlert") { var mps = {}; mps["raw_data_count_number"] = data.count.number; mps["raw_data_count_percentage"] = data.count.percentage; mps["alarm_data_event_name"] = data.eventName; mps["raw_data_imgpath"] = JSON.stringify(data.imgpath); mps["raw_data_objtype"] = data.objType; mps["raw_data_pplassoc"] = data.peopleassociation; mps["raw_data_rawimgpath"] = JSON.stringify(data.rawimgpath); mps["raw_data_rect"] = JSON.stringify(data.rect); mps["raw_data_start_time"] = data.startTime; mps["raw_data_track_id"] = data.trackId; mps["raw_data_timestamp"] = data.timestamp; mps["raw_data_timestamp_unix"] = data.tsUnix; mps["raw_data_videopath"] = JSON.stringify(data.videopath); mps["raw_stream_camera"] =; mps["raw_stream_roi"] = stream.roi; mps["raw_stream_streamingID"] = stream.streamingID; mps["raw_stream_zone"] =; var timestamp = data.timestamp; var params = {}; params["measurepoints"] = mps; params["time"] = new Date().getTime(); params["device_id_no"] = device_id; paramsArray.push(params); } else { } } if (!flag) { return; } return, JSON.stringify(paramsArray)); :raw-html-m2r:`<br />`
Add the Lookup Asset node to the canvas and configure the node as per the below. For more information about the Lookup Asset node, see Lookup Asset.
Add the Upload Measurement Point node to the canvas. For more information aboute the Upload Measurement Point node, see Upload Measurement Point.
Link all the nodes together as per the image above.
Toggle on the Debug switch on the top right to record the logs of the nodes in the flow.
Click Save.
Step 4: Publish and Start Flow¶
Go to the Flow Designer page and click Publish for the flow you have created.
Allocate the runtime resources needed for the flow and click OK.
On your local machine, use POSTMAN to send a request to the HTTP server node, containing the following message as the payload.
{ "Data":{ "data":[ { "eventName":"Abandon", "count":1, "imgpath":10, "objType":"test", "peopleassociation":"xxx", "rawimgpath":10, "rect":10, "startTime":"2020-09-15 10:00:00", "txUnix":"xx", "vediopath":"xxx", "patch":"xxx", "camera":"xxx", "rox":"xxx", "streamID":"", "zone":"xxx" } ], "stream":{ "device_id":"xxxxxId" } } }
Click Edit to enter the integration flow canvas page. Click the Log tab of each node (if applicable) to see their respective inputs and outputs.