Data Archiving Resource

Business data of huge size and with lower access frequency can be archived. The data archiving service supports the archiving of data and the synchronization of the archived data to the target database and in specified directories, thus achieving data backup.

The features of the data archiving service are as per the following.

  • Archives real-time data and offline data.
  • Archives real-time alert records.
  • Sets the properties of archived files.
  • Sets the storage system and path.

For more information, see Data Archiving Overview.

Resource Application Scenario

To archive asset data from either the real-time message channel or offline message channel to the target storage, you need to request for the Data Archiving resource.


The maximum number of resources that can be applied for is 1.

Resource Specification

The data archiving resource can be requested based on the computing unit (CU). You can request the appropriate computing resource according to the characteristics of the workflows.

Specification Allocated Resources
Computing Resource 1 CU can process 5,000 data points per second. Available options are 1 - 50 CU.