Data Catalog Resource

The EnOS Data Asset Catalog enables you to query and manage the metadata information of the data assets in your organization (OU).

Metadata is data that describes other data and is often used in the following business scenarios.

  • Describing objects such as information resources or data.
  • Providing structured data about resources to identify resources, evaluate resources, and track changes of resources in its usage.
  • Simply and efficiently managing a large amount of networked data to achieve the discovery, searching, integrated organization, and effective management of information resources.

For more information, see Data Asset Catalog Overview.

Resource Application Scenario

Through Data Catalog, you can create new measurement points and query metadata information about measurement points, including basic information about measurement points, storage policy information, data archiving task information, and associated instance lists. Before creating a new observation point and inquiring metadata information of the observation point, it is necessary to apply for the Data Catalog resource.


The maximum number of resources that can be applied for is 1.

Resource Specification

Resource Type Reading/Writing Resource Storage Capacity Data Synchronization
Stand-alone Mode 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory. 1 CU can store 1,000 simple entities, query 100 entities per second, and write 1,000 entities per second. Available options are 0.5 ~ 4 CU Available options are 10 ~ 5000 GB 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory. 1 CU can synchronize 1,000 simple entities per second. Available options are 0.5 ~ 500 CU