Deprecations and Removals

The section lists all deprecations and removals in EnOS releases.

  • Deprecation: A service or feature is not being developed anymore and may be removed in a future release.
  • Removal: A service or feature is removed permanently and no longer available.


The actual deprecation/removal timelines on your environments are determined by the contract terms.

Products and Services

Product Name Deprecated From Removed From Replaced By
Stream Processing (Old Version) EnOS 2.2 (2020/12/30) EnOS 2.2(2020/12/30) Stream Processing
EnOS API 1.0 EnOS 2.2 (2020/12/30) TBD EnOS API 2.0
Data Sandbox (Data Exploration) EnOS 2.1 Update (2020/06/30) EnOS 2.3 (2021/12/30) (Resource release, non-recoverable)
ML Model Hosting EnOS 2.1 Update (2020/06/30) EnOS 2.2 (2020/12/30) MI Hub
Metadata Explorer EnOS 2.1 (2020/01/16) EnOS 2.1 Update (2020/06/30) Data Catalog
Data Report EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08) EnOS 2.1 Update (2020/06/30) Digital Twin Visualization


Model Service

API What’s Deprecated Deprecated From
Search Thing Model The parameter callType in the ThingService struct in the response has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. EnOS 2.1 Update (2020/04/09)

Asset Service

API What’s Removed Removed From
Update Asset The parameter modelId in the AssetUpdate struct in the request body is removed. EnOS 2.1 Update (2020/04/09)

Alert Service

API What’s Removed Removed From
Create Alert Content The parameter source is removed from request body EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Create Alert Rule The parameter source is removed from request body EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Create Alert Severity The parameter source is removed from request body EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Create Alert Type The parameter source is removed from request body EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Delete Alert Content The parameter source is removed from request URI EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Delete Alert Rule The parameter source is removed from request URI EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Delete Alert Severity The parameter source is removed from request URI EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Delete Alert Type The parameter source is removed from request URI EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Search Alert Content The parameter source is removed from the AlertContent struct EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Search Alert Rule The parameter source is removed from the AlertRule struct EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Search Alert Severity The parameter source is removed from the AlertSeverity struct EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Search Alert Type The parameter source is removed from the AlertType struct EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Update Alert Content The parameter source is removed from the generateContent struct EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Update Alert Rule The parameter source is removed from the alertRule struct EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Update Alert Severity The parameter source is removed from the generateSeverity struct EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)
Update Alert Type The parameter source is removed from the generateType struct EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)

Batch Processing Service

API What’s Removed Deprecated From
Import Flow,Export Flow,Get Flow,Load Flow For Edit,Get Flow Instance,List Flow Instances Removed the appId parameter from the request parameters, response parameters, request sample, and return sample EnOS 2.1 Update (2020/04/09)
Import Flow,Export Flow,Get Flow,Load Flow For Edit,Get Flow Instance,List Flow Instances Removed the alertTo parameter from the request parameters, response parameters, request sample, and return sample EnOS 2.1 Update (2020/04/09)
Import Flow,Export Flow Removed the waitCode parameter from the request parameters, response parameters, request sample, and return sample EnOS 2.1 Update (2020/04/09)

Common Data Service

What’s Removed Deprecated From
EnOS stopped supporting the Common File Service APIs. EnOS 2.1 (2020/01/16)

Core Services

What’s Removed Removed From
EnOS stopped supporting the Stream Processing (Old Version) resource. EnOS 2.3 (2021/12/30)

EnOS Edge

What’s Removed Deprecated From
EnOS stopped the support of running a pipeline in sandbox mode. EnOS 2.1 (2019/12/11)
Removed the association between template and protocol. 2019/06/28

IoT Hub

What’s Deprecated Deprecated From
The MQTT Server node can no longer be used in the Device Intergration Service for new deployed environments, but will still be available for environments that upgrade from older versions to 2.3.0. To configure MQTT servers for use in nodes such as MQTT Pub and MQTT Sub, use the Server Configurations function. EnOS 2.3 (2021/12/30)
Parsing custom data format using parsing scripts in the Product Details page. EnOS 2.3 (2021/12/30)

What’s Removed Removed From
NodeId is deleted from asset tree. 2019/06/28
Empty nodes can no longer be created on an asset tree. 2019/06/28
A device can no longer be bound to multiple nodes. 2019/06/28
Device details no longer displays historical data. User will be redirected to the TSDB insights page to view the data. 2019/06/28

Data Asset Management

What’s Removed Deprecated From
Removed the restriction where only the creator can edit stream data processing job configuration. 2019/06/28