Configuring Landing Page

This page describes how to configure a Landing Page in Unified Monitoring.


Before configuring a Landing Page, make sure that:

  • You have the required permissions for assets, operations, and menu groups. Contact the application administrator to acquire the required permissions.

  • You have registered the attributes, measurement points, and metrics of related assets in Common Data Service. For more information, see About EnOS Common Data Service.

  • You have published the configured DTV page and acquired the URL of the page. For more information, see Publishing Dashboard Pages.

  • If you need to use the filters of Landing Page, make sure you have add output parameters to global filters in Digital Twin Visualization. For more information, see Landing Page Output Parameters.

  • If you need to synchronize widget templates from Digital Twin Visualization to Unified Monitoring, You need to add tags for the templates to be synchronized. For more information, see Widget Template.

  • If you need to link multiple Digital Twin Visualization pages, make sure you have added related assets and attributes in EnOS Application Portal > Developer Console > Model Management and configured enumerated values for attributes in Asset Tree.

Configuring Page Functions

  1. Select Landing Page from the left navigation bar.


    The menu name in your applications might be different from the name in this article, because of the customization on menu names for Unified Monitoring pages. Contact your application administrators for more information.

  2. Select Function Configuration i_function.

  3. Configure the following information on the Basic Settings tab.




    Show Title

    Display the page title in the upper left corner of the page. When enabled, you can customize page title in the Title bar. You can enter ${nodeName} to refer to the current region or site, or the ${userName} parameter to refer to the current user name.

    For example, if the name of the current site is Wind Site-1, when you enter ${nodeName} Overview in the Title bar, the title displayed on Landing Page is Wind Site-1 Overview.


    Specify the theme of Landing Page, supporting Match Application Portal Theme, Black, Green, and White.

    If you select Match Application Portal Theme, Landing Page applies the same them you used in Application Portal.

    Template Management

    Enable the function to manage the templates of the Landing Page.

    For more information about landing page templates, see Managing Templates.

  4. On the Asset Settings tab, turn on the Asset Settings toggle to configure the following information.




    Available Dimension

    Asset dimensions supported by the Landing Page. You can select Site and Above or Site and Device. If you select Site and Above, you can specify the dimensions supported by Landing Page in Group By

    To display data of multiple sites, select Site and Above. To display data of a specific site and the devices there, select Site and Device.

    Asset Type

    Specify the asset type displayed on Landing Page. If you select multiple asset types, you can drag the sorting icon on the left of each asset type to sort the display order.

    For example, to display wind, hydro, and solar sites in turn, you can select Wind, Hydro and Solar from the dropdown list, and adjust the display order to Wind-Hydro-Solar.

    Asset Type Filter

    Allow application users to specify the types of assets displayed on the page.

    For more information, see Filtering Data by Asset.

    Grouping Filter

    Allow application users to specify the asset scope displayed on the page (including group, region, and site). You need to select the Site and Above for the and configure Grouping at first.

    For more information, see Filtering Data by Asset.

    Site Filter

    Allow application users to filter the sites, device, and related data on Landing Page. You can specify whether application users can select multiple sites at the same time in Selection Method.

    For more information, see Filtering Data by Asset.

    Synchronize Assets

    Automatically select the assets selected in the current Landing Page when opening a new page.

    For example, you select Turbine-1 and Turbine-2 on Landing Page, when you open a Landing Page page, the new page displays the asset data of Turbine-1 and Turbine-2 by default.

  5. On the Time Settings tab, turn on the Time Settings switch to configure the following information.




    Time Interval Filter

    Specify the time interval in the Time Range Filter. You can select Day, Month or Year and configure the default interval.

    For more information, see Filtering Data by Time.

    Time Range Filter

    Allow application users to filter the data of a specific time period.

    For more information, see Filtering Data by Time.

    Time Format

    Specify time format, supporting YYYY-MM-DD and YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.

    To make the time shown on Landing Page with precision down to second, select YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, down to year, select YYYY-MM-DD.

    Selector Type

    Configure whether Time Point or Time Range is shown in filters.

    Select Time Point, and application users can only select a specific date, month, or year in time range filters (depending on the Time Interval configuration). Select Time Range, and application users can select a period of time in time range filters.

    Earliest Available Time

    Specify the earliest time available in time range filters. You can select No Limit, Absolute Time (specify a time directly) or Relative Time (specify a time based on the current time).

    For example, to set the earliest available time at 60 days ago, you can select Absolute Time then select a date 60 days prior, or select Relative Time and configure it to 60 | days.

    Latest Available Time

    Specify the latest time available in time range filters. You can select No Limit, Absolute Time (specify a date based on the current time) or Relative Time (specify a date based on the current time).

    For example, to set the latest available time at one month later, you can select Absolute Time then select a date one month later, or select Relative Time and configure it to 1 | month.

    Time Shortcut

    Display time shortcut button next to the time interval filter.

    Application users can select the time shortcut button to quickly apply a specific time range.

  6. Turn on the Control Settings toggle on the Control Settings tab. Application users can select the Control button in the Landing Page to open the control panel.

  7. Configure the following information on the Link Settings tab.




    Page Source

    Select a page source for the Landing Page. You can select DTV or Others.

    If the page is from the DTV metric page or monitoring page, select DTV; otherwise select Others.

    Link Type

    Select a link type for the DTV page. You can select By Single URL or By Attributes.

    By Single URL only supports the link of a single DTV page, while By Attributes can be used to link multiple DTV pages.

    URL Address

    When Others is selected as the page source or By Single URL is selected as the DTV link type, enter the URL of the page to be linked.

    For example, if the URL of the page is {domain-name}/dt/encompass/page/2fe2ca90-c60b-46ba-ba77, /dt/encompass/page/2fe2ca90-c60b-46ba-ba77 must be entered here.

    Select an Attribute

    Specify the page attribute based on which multiple DTV pages are linked, then configure link condition, page name, and URL address in the URL Address table below. The attributes here inherits the asset attributes in EnOS Application Portal > Developer Console > Asset Tree. When a enumerated value of the asset attribute matches the link condition, application users can view the corresponding page after selecting the asset. If a enumerated value matches multiple link conditions, application users can switch to the corresponding page by selecting the tab on Landing Page.

    For example, if you have Site Status attribute and Wind Site-1 asset, and enumerated values 1 and 2 are configured as the site status of Wind Site-1 in EnOS Application Portal > Developer Console > Asset Tree, application users can view the pages with Condition 1 and 2 after selecting Wind Site-1 in the Landing Page.

  8. Select Publish. In the popup window, enter the description on the Remark text box and select OK.


When linking multiple pages, make sure the attribute type is array if you want to configure page names. Otherwise, the page name is the values of Condition.

Managing Widgets

You can add or edit the visualized DTV widgets in Landing Page. For more information about configuring visualized widgets, see Adding Widget.

Adding Widget Templates

  1. Select Landing Page from the left navigation pane.


    The menu name in your applications might be different from the name in this article, because of the customization on menu names for Unified Monitoring pages. Contact the application administrator for more information.

  2. Select Edit Page i_setting to open Page Editor.

  3. Select the Add Widget button, select the widget template you want to add to the page from the popup window and select Add to Page.

Configuring Widget

  1. Select Landing Page from the left navigation pane.

  2. Select Edit Page i_setting to open Page Editor.

  3. Hover over the ellipsis (…) of the widget you want to edit and select Edit to open the Widget Editor page.

  4. In the Widget Editor page, you can edit widget information such as basic information, data fields, style settings, and filters. For more information about editing widgets in Widget Editor, see Widget.

  5. (Optional) To save the configured widget for future use, select Save as Template, enter the project, name, and tag information in the popup window and select OK to save the configured widget as a template.

  6. Select Update and select Save on Page Editor.

Managing Templates

The templates of Landing Page contains multiple configuration items such as:

  • Asset scope

  • Widget and function configuration

  • Page layout


You can only save Digital Twin Visualization (DTV) pages as templates.

Saving or Updating a Template

Save the current report configuration as a template or update the configuration of an existing template by the following steps:

  1. Select Landing Page from the left navigation pane.

  2. Hover over the setting button i_setting and select Save Template from the dropdown list.

  3. Enter the following information on the popup window.



    Template Name

    Enter the name of the template.

    Template Description

    Enter the description of the template.

    Save Time Interval and Scope

    Save the current configuration of time interval and time scope into the template.

    Save as OU Default View

    Display the template as the Metric Inquiry Report when opening the Landing Page page.

  4. Select OK.

Saving the Modified Template as a New Template

If you have applied a template to the current page and modified the template configuration, save the modified template as a new template by the following steps:

  1. Select Landing Page from the left navigation pane.

  2. Hover over the setting button i_setting and select Save as Template from the dropdown list.

  3. Enter the following information on the popup window.



    Template Name

    Enter the name of the template.

    Template Description

    Enter the description of the template.

    Save Time Interval and Scope

    Save the current configuration of time interval and time scope into the template.

    Save as OU Default View

    Display the template as the Metric Inquiry Report when opening the Landing Page page.

  4. Select OK.

Editing a Template

  1. Select Landing Page from the left navigation pane.

  2. Select Templates.

  3. Hover over the card of the target template and select the edit icon i_edit_t.

  4. Edit the name, description, and category of the template in the popup window and select OK.

Deleting a Template

  1. Select Landing Page from the left navigation pane.

  2. Select Templates.

  3. Hover over the card of the target template and select the delete icon i_remove.

  4. Select OK in the popup window.

Resetting Page Configuration

If you want to undo all editing operations performed in the Landing Page module, reset the page configuration to the state when publishing the related DTV page by the following steps:

  1. Select Landing Page from the left navigation pane.

  2. Select Edit Page i_setting to open Page Editor.

  3. Select the Reset button on the top toolbar and select Restore to this OU default configuration in the popup window.

  4. Select OK.

Restoring History Versions

You can view the information about history versions such as version numbers, the users to publish versions, the publishing time of versions, and publishing remarks.If you want to use a history version of Landing Page, restore the version by the following steps:

  1. Select Landing Page from the left navigation pane.

  2. Select Function Configuration i_function in the Landing Page page.

  3. Select History Version to open the history version list.

  4. Locate the target history version and select Restore.

  5. Select OK in the popup window.

Importing or Exporting Pages

You can export the following contents of Landing Page in JSON format and import the JSON file to migrate and reuse the configured page:

  • Page Function Configuration

  • Asset and Data Fields Settings

Exporting Page Configuration

  1. Select Landing Page from the left navigation pane.

  2. Select Function Configuration i_function in the Landing Page page.

  3. Select Import/Export > Export, and the configuration file will be downloaded automatically.

Importing Page Configuration

  1. Select Landing Page from the left navigation pane.

  2. Select Function Configuration i_function in the Landing Page page.

  3. Select Import/Export > Import.

  4. Upload the configuration file in the popup window and select OK.