Application Building Roles and Workflow

Before start, you need to learn the roles and the workflow of application building using EnOS Industry Application Common Building Blocks.

Roles and Permissions

The roles involved in application building and the corresponding role permissions are listed below.



Account Permissions

Application Creators

Prepare Common Building Blocks, configure data, and create applications.

If applications are to be created by shortcuts, user accounts need to have the OU Administrator permission in EnOS Application Portal.
If applications are to be created by standard registration, user accounts need to have access to the Application Management menu in Admin Console of EnOS Application Portal, related assets, and all the involved menus of required Common Building Blocks.

Asset Administrators

Onboard assets. If applications need to have alarm capabilities, asset administrators also need to configure alarm rules.

User accounts need to have access to the Onboarding Process and Site Onboarding menus in EnOS Application Portal. If applications need to have alarm capabilities, user accounts need to have access to the Alarm Rule menu.

System Administrators

Manage models and backend services of all production environments and manage global data in Configuration Center.

User accounts need to have the System Administrator permission in EnOS Application Portal.

Application Administrators

Manage applications, users, and asset permissions within OUs.

User accounts need to have the OU Administrator permission in EnOS Application Portal.

Application Users

Use application functions.

User account permissions are assigned on demand by application administrators.

Application Building Workflow

The flow of above roles to collaborate to build an application is shown in the figure below.


Note: Dotted boxes are optional tasks.