Managing Device Groups

Device groups can flexibly manage devices across products and models, improving management efficiency and simplifying operation processes in various scenarios such as device monitoring, permission control, and operation and maintenance upgrades. This article explains how to create, edit, and delete device groups, among other operations.


  • Ensure that you have obtained the Full Access permission for the Device Management Service. If not, contact your OU administrator.
  • Ensure that you have read the limitations for products. See Limitations.

Creating a Device Group

  1. In the EnOS Management Console, select Device Management > Device Groups.
  2. Click New Device Group and enter the following information on the “Basic Information” page:
    • Device Group Name: Supports 1-64 characters.
    • Device Group Type: Select the device group type based on your business scenario.
      • Static Group: Select devices to create a device group. The devices in the group will not change automatically.
      • Dynamic Group: Set device group conditions to create a device group. The devices in the group will automatically change based on the grouping conditions. For more configuration information, see Dynamic Rules.
  3. Enter the following information on the “Configure Device Group” page and click Next:
    • Static Group: Select the devices that need to be grouped.
    • Dynamic Group: Set device group conditions based on your business requirements.
  4. On the Preview Devices page, review the preview of the devices in the group and click Confirm to create the device group.

Managing Device Groups

In the Device Management > Device Groups list, you can perform the following operations to manage device groups:

  • Click the Preview button view to view the devices in the device group.
  • Click the Edit button edit to enter the “Edit Device Group” page and edit the basic information and devices in the group.
  • Click the Delete button delete to delete the device group. Once a device group is deleted, it cannot be recovered, and all configurations associated with the device group will be invalidated.

Dynamic Rules

Type Content Operator Value/Data Type Note
Model ID / =, !=, in Enter Model ID /
Product Key / =, in Enter Product Key /
Device Tag Tag Key =, !=, exists, not exists, in Enter tag value. If the operator is exists or not exists, no need to enter tag value. When the operator is in, click +Add to add multiple values.
Device Attribute Attribute Identifier =, exists, in Enter attribute value and data type. If the operator is exists, no need to enter attribute value. When the operator is in, click +Add to add multiple values.
Firmware Version / =, in Enter firmware version /




  • 你需要有 设备管理服务 的相关操作权限,如果没有请联系组织管理员添加。
  • 确保已阅读设备相关的使用限制。更多信息,参见 使用限制


  1. 在 EnOS 管理控制台中选择 设备管理 > 设备组
  2. 点击 新建设备,在“基本信息”页面输入下列信息。
    • 设备组名称:设备组的名称,支持 1 - 64 字符。
    • 设备组类型:根据业务场景选择以下设备组类型
      • 静态分组:手动选择设备创建设备组,设备组的设备不会自动发送变化。
      • 动态分组:设定设备组条件创建设备组,设备组中的设备会匹配分组条件并自动发生变化。具体配置信息,参见 动态规则
  3. 在“配置设备组”页面输入下列信息,并点击 下一步
    • 静态分组:勾选需要分组的设备。
    • 动态分组:根据业务需求设定设备组分组条件。
  4. 在“预览设备”页面,查看分组的设备预览,点击 确定 创建该设备组。


设备管理 > 设备组 的列表中,可以进行以下操作管理设备组:

  • 点击 view 预览 按钮查看该设备组中的设备。
  • 点击 edit 编辑 按钮进入“编辑设备组”页面编辑设备组的基本信息与设备。
  • 点击 delete 删除 按钮删除设备组。设备组删除后不能恢复,且所有与设备组相关联的配置将会失效。


类型 内容 运算符 值/数据类型 备注
模型 ID / =、!=、in 输入模型 ID /
Product Key / =、in 输入 Product Key /
设备标签 标签键 =、!=、exists、not exists、in 输入标签值。如果运算符为 exists、not exists,则无需输入标签值 运算符为 in 时,点击 +添加 填多个值
设备属性 属性标识符 =、exists、in 输入属性值和数据类型。如果运算符为 exists,则无需输入标签值 运算符为 in 时,点击 +添加 填多个值
固件版本 / =、in 输入固件版本 /