Create a Model for Battery Devices for Device Integration

When integrating devices into the IoT, a model needs to be created to abstract functions across dimensions such as attributes, measurement points, commands, and events. This tutorial will guide you on how to configure a model for smart devices. The constructed model will be used for device integration.

Job Description

This job uses the battery device integration scenario as an example to guide device integration and management personnel in configuring and using model management for battery devices before their integration.

Operation Personnel

Operation Location

Device Integration and Management Personnel

Application Portal

The overall process includes:

  1. Predefine Model Elements

  2. Create Model

  3. Configure Model


Before starting, ensure the following:

  • You have registered a personal or corporate account on EnOS to access the Application Portal.

  • The account has been assigned the necessary permissions to create models. For more information, refer to Model Management Permission Assignment

  • The model elements which need to be referenced multiple times have been identified, and the general steps for model design have been determined. For more information on model design, refer to Model Design.

Step 1: Predefine Model Elements

In this job, the model element which needs to be referenced multiple times is the brand of the battery device.

  1. Log in to the Application Portal, select the target application, and navigate to Model Element Library.

  2. In the top-left corner, click Custom Elements > Features > Create Features. On the Create Feature page, configure the following information as prompted, including.




    Data Type

    Maximum Length






    64 characters

    Information about the device’s brand

  3. Select Save to complete the predefined model element.

Step 2: Create Model

  1. In the Developer Console of the Application Portal, select Model.

  2. Click Custom Model > Create Model in the top left of the page and configure the model attributes as prompted, including:

    • Group: Custom

    • Name: battery

    • Business Identifier: battery

    • Model Purpose: Device Integration

    • Description: Battery Model


    Models under the Custom group are only available to the current OU. The model created in this job is project-specific and does not need to be shared with other OUs. To share the model with other OUs, contact your enterprise tenant administrator to request a model group and select the corresponding model group in this step. For detailed steps on sharing models, refer to Sharing Models.

  3. Select Configure Model to enter the configuration page.

Step 3: Configure Models

  1. On the model definition page, click Create > Features, and create the following measurement points in the Create Feature window:




    Measurement Point Type

    Data Type


    Measurement Point





    Measurement point for collecting the device’s temperature

  2. On the model definition page, click Create > Commands, and create the following command in the Create Command window:

    • Type: Command

    • Name: Control Device Charging State

    • Identifier: control_charging

    • Input/Output Parameters:

    Parameter Type

    Parameter Name


    Data Type









  3. Return to the model definition page, click > Reference to the right of Create, and reference the following attribute in the Reference Feature window:

    • Name: brand

    • Identifier: brand

  4. Click Next > Confirm to save the referenced attributes.


After completing this job, proceed to configure the integration information for the battery device. When creating the product, check the battery model. For specific operations, refer to Connect Simulated Devices to EnOS.