Unit 1: Registering the Device on EnOS Console

Before connecting a smart electric meter to EnOS IoT hub, you need to register the electric meter on the EnOS Console, including defining the electric meter model, creating a meter product, registering a meter device.

The Connecting Devices into EnOS Using SDK tutorial describes detailed steps for registering a device on EnOS Console. You can follow the same steps to register a smart electric meter, with the following information:

Creating a model

Create a model with the following basic settings:

  • Identifier: Grid.TopupAcMeter
  • Model Name: Grid.TopupAcMeter
  • Category: Grid
  • Create From: No
  • Support Passthrough: No
  • Source Model: NA
  • Description: AC meter that has a temperature sensor

Define the “Temperature” measuring point for the model:

Feature Type Name Identifier Point Type Data Type
Measuring Point Temperature Temperature AI double

Creating a product

Create a product with the following basic settings:

  • Product Name: Grid.PrepaidElectricityMeter
  • Asset Type: Device
  • Model: Grid.TopupAcMeter
  • Data Type: Json
  • Certificate-based bi-directional authentication: Disabled
  • Description: State grid standard electricity meter

Creating a device

Create a smart electric meter with the following basic settings:

  • Product: Grid.PrepaidElectricityMeter
  • Device Name: Demo_meter
  • Use DST: No
  • timezone: UTC+08:00
  • Device Key: Optional (it can be generated automatically by the system)