Deprecations and Removals

This section lists all deprecations and removals in EnOS releases.

  • Deprecation: A service or feature is not being developed anymore and may be removed in a future release.

  • Removal: A service or feature is removed permanently and no longer available.


The actual deprecation/removal timelines on your environments are determined by the contract terms.

Products and Services

Product Name

Deprecated From

Removed From

Replaced By

Data Federation

EnOS 3.0.0 (2025/01/24)

EnOS 3.0.0 (2025/01/24)

Data Download Service

Data Catalog

EnOS 3.0.0 (2025/01/24)

EnOS 3.0.0 (2025/01/24)


Stream Processing (Old Version)

EnOS 2.2 (2020/12/30)

EnOS 2.2 (2020/12/30)

Stream Processing

EnOS API 1.0

EnOS 2.2 (2020/12/30)


EnOS API 2.0

Data Sandbox (Data Exploration)

EnOS 2.1 Update (2020/06/30)

EnOS 2.3 (2021/12/30) (Resource release, non-recoverable)

ML Model Hosting

EnOS 2.1 Update (2020/06/30)

EnOS 2.2 (2020/12/30)

AI Hub

Metadata Explorer

EnOS 2.1 (2020/01/16)

EnOS 2.1 Update (2020/06/30)

Data Catalog

Data Report

EnOS 2.1 (2019/11/08)

EnOS 2.1 Update (2020/06/30)

Digital Twin Visualization

Application Building

Digital Twin Visualization

What’s Removed

Removed From

ODATA data source is no longer supported.

EnOS 2.4 (2023/02/27)

Map widget no longer supports the Amap map source.

EnOS 2.4.1 (2023/04/15)

Unified Monitoring

What’s Removed

Removed From


The site details popup no longer provide navigation links in Portfolio.

EnOS R2408 (2024/08/30)


Charting Tool no longer supports enabling the screenshot mode.

EnOS R2502 (2025/02/28)

End users can export the charts to images.

Notification Management

What’s Removed

Removed From

SMS signature no longer supports EnOS China, EnOS Global, SCS, Twilio, Nexmo and Generic types.

EnOS 3.0.0 (2025/01/24)

Data Management & Analytics​

TSDB Management

Starting from EnOS 3.0.0 (2025/01/24), TSDB Management will no longer provide the functional interface, and TSDB APIs will still be retained. See the table below for details.

What’s Removed

Removed From


The Data Insights functional interface is no longer provided.

EnOS 3.0.0 (2025/01/24)

If you need time series data insights, you can go to Application Portal > Developer Console > Data Asset Storage and Access Management > Data Insights.

The Storage Policies functional interface and related APIs are no longer provided.

EnOS 3.0.0 (2025/01/24)

When creating a tenant, the O&M personnel will configure the default storage policies for the tenant. If you need to adjust the storage policies, you can contact the O&M personnel.

Data Deletion functional interface and related APIs are no longer provided.

EnOS 3.0.0 (2025/01/24)

If you need to clean data, you can contact the O&M personnel.

Compression Simulation functional interface is no longer provided.

EnOS 3.0.0 (2025/01/24)


Device Connectivity and Management​

Device Connectivity & Management

What’s Deprecated

Deprecated From

Parsing custom data format using parsing scripts in the Product Details page.

EnOS 2.3 (2021/12/30)

What’s Removed

Removed From

NodeId is deleted from asset tree.


Empty nodes can no longer be created on an asset tree.


A device can no longer be bound to multiple nodes.


Device details no longer displays historical data. User will be redirected to the TSDB insights page to view the data.


IoT Protocol Connector, Product Migration, Device Migration functions are no longer provided.

EnOS 2.4.4 (2024/03/30)

Device Groups, Device Mirroring, Connection Manager, and Metrics Explorer functions are not currently available, and querying asset event details are no longer supported.

EnOS 3.0.0 (2025/01/24)

Device Data Integration Service

What’s Deprecated

Deprecated From

The MQTT Server node can no longer be used for new deployed environments, but will still be available for environments that upgrade from older versions to 2.3.0 and above. To configure MQTT servers for use in nodes such as MQTT Pub and MQTT Sub, use the Server Configurations function.

EnOS 2.3 (2021/12/30) and above

The Lookup Mapping node will be no longer updated and maintained.

EnOS 2.4 (2023/02/27)

Alarm Management

What’s Removed

Removed From

The message notification popup in EnOS Application Portal no longer displays the ACK button for alarms by default. You can contact the system administrator to enable it for your OU if required.

R2408 (2024/08/30)

EnOS Edge

What’s Removed

Deprecated From

EnOS stopped the support of running a pipeline in sandbox mode.

EnOS 2.1 (2019/12/11)

Removed the association between template and protocol.


Administration Tool

What’s Removed

Removed From

EnOS stopped supporting the Stream Processing (Old Version) resource.

EnOS 2.3 (2021/12/30)

EnOS stopped supporting permission control for the AI Asset Management service in Identity and Access Management > Policy.

EnOS 2.4 (2023/02/27)

The audit logs of the following services/function modules are no longer supported:

  • TSDB Management

  • Data Asset Catalog

  • Data Federation

  • Streaming Data Processing

  • Resource Management

  • Single Sign-On

EnOS 3.0.0 (2025/01/24)